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After a bit of summer vacation (actually field work in Montana), Lora the Geologist (who is blogging about learning obejcts in geology) has found the news that is now syndicating their content via RSS, and very quickly she has added a feed for their Geology collection to her site.
Now while is not at all a "repository" of learnig objects, it is a very valuable instructional resource that can be checked now easily via RSS for new updates. has so many subject oriented sites, mainly collections of web sites organized and reviewed by a supposed expert in the matter, essentially a blog of sorts (and they say it is run by MovableType under the hood, just wish they would cease the stupid po-under ads). This is a really great resource that any instructor can add to their course web page, or Blackboard/WebCT course area using our previously described approach for including RSS via a JavaScript feed (full details...)
blogged July 8, 2003 08:16 AM :: category [ objects , rss ]