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Perched up at MIT, Phil Long is a key instructional visioneer, and in a recent Syllabus column he writes TrackBack: Where Blogs Learn Their Places.
It's a nice general overview of TB, yes, but Phil seems to not see as wide as we do by focusing only on what Trackback means in the blog world-- ignoring what D'Arcy, Brian, and I have been pushing since March 2003 [1, 2, 3]- using Trackback to connect a collection of Learning Objects with the external contexts where they are described or used.
Trackback is still an under-utilized, under-explored, and thankfully under-exploited (by spammers) simple technology.
<tiphat>tip of the blog hat to Scott Leslie</tiphat>
blogged October 2, 2003 11:08 PM :: category [ objects ]