CDB cat dog-egories:

February 07, 2005

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How To Really Get Help

A week silently passed on my simple IT help desk request (read the sad story).

There was now a consequence as the main page for our site was hijacked via the vulnerability I reported (see the blurb on this, we were definitely not alone).

So since the requests were not answered, I resorted to the trump card, firing off emails up the management chain to the almost top, and asking for help in closing a security hole that could affect numerous primary web sites.

I got a response in 6.5 minutes.

blogged February 7, 2005 11:56 AM :: category [ web bad dog ]
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Heya Alan. Thanks for the heads up on the awstats vulnerability! I'd installed it on a couple of servers, and basically forgot about it (except for occasionally checking the stats). Both boxes are now updated and safe. I don't think I was hit by the exploit - no perl scripts in /tmp - but scary just the same!

Commented by: D'Arcy Norman on February 7, 2005 12:18 PM

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