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YaGoohoo!gle Yahoo Google Side by Side Shoot Out (April 17, 2005 09:54 AM)
Who is better? Yahoo or Google? How do they compare for specific searches? YaGoohoo!gle, which apparently started out as an April Fool's joke. is now more than a joke. Via a simple, familiar search form, this site will produce a side by side search result from the big two engines.... «more»
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Dog Rap: HTTP in tha House (April 17, 2005 09:30 AM)
More frivolity (blog tip of the hat to Kottke) for HTTP in tha House. You submit a URL, and the web site extracts the text, combines them into 16 lines, uses a rhyming dictionary, and pops out a series of random rap-like lyrics. Real word use? minimal. Fun and... «more»
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Go Get Thawed: NBT- Locally Produced Movie Aimng High (April 14, 2005 07:20 AM)
Arizona may not have a reputation for producing local independent movies, but Never Been Thawed may change all that. I saw the previews a few weeks ago, and could tell it would be a riot. Yup, I going by my guy and saying it is a good movie before having... «more»
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Captcha Spammers! Fugggedaboddit (April 8, 2005 11:02 PM)
It's a new spam free day for CogDogBlog and our other affiliated MovableType 2.661 blogs here. I've successfully integrated James Seng's captcha plugin, so that all comment posts require a human to type in a randomly generated security code that appears on screen as a graphic image or 'captcha'. Spambots... «more»
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Friends with the IT Guys (April 6, 2005 10:47 PM)
Often this blog has published my rants and vents against our IT department, like last month's escapade with a hacked server. It's only fair to report when things go the opposite way. I met face to face with the head of our server team and their top Linux tech, and... «more»
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That Canadian Factor- Maricopans are Asking About Wikis and RSS (April 6, 2005 04:58 PM)
Okay, maybe we've gushed a bit already, but something has happened here in our system. I think it is the Canadian aura, but after Brian Lamb's Dialogue Day with us last week, people are now popping out of the ground like prairie dogs, and seeing a beautiful wheat filled plain... «more»
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Carbon Copy Cloner: Cloning (hard-dives) is Not A Dream (March 31, 2005 10:24 AM)
Carbon Copy Cloner is worth 12 stars out of 10 for a Mac OS X application. After a rebuild of the OS on our XServe (that powers this blog and Feed2JS), our temporary solution was to build the OS on an external Firewire drive loaned by a helpful Apple engineer... «more»
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Is Digital Storytelling Hot or What? (March 29, 2005 11:03 PM)
Today we announced the opening of registration for our May 16-20 Learnshop "Bringing Digital Storytelling to the Classroom LearnShop"-- with 12 available spots. Check out the chronology: * 08:53:24 AM : email announcement sent * 09:03:22 AM : first registrant signs up * 11:03:24 AM : 12th registrant signs up... «more»
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Amazing Amazon Amaztpye (March 24, 2005 08:28 PM)
This is just plain cool, perhaps not essentially useful but plainly cool. Amaztype Amaztype is using Amazon web services. Created by Keita Kitamura & Yugo Nakamura for Tha Ltd. Well that does not exactly explain it. You type in a keyword search for Amazon (US, Japan, UK, Canada) for books... «more»
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Spurl Bookmarklet Tool Added to the Mix (March 22, 2005 05:57 PM)
Yes, another nifty social bookmark service-- Spurl was brought to our attention by Jamie. So it is now part of the others at the Site Submission MultiTool where it is possible to create one browser tool that does the work of 11 others called: FurlDeliciousFrassleConnoteaBagCiteULikeSimpyLinkrollBlogmarksopenBMSpurl Bookmarklet Tool Spurl looks pretty... «more»
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No Chumps at Chumpsoft (March 15, 2005 10:38 PM)
I've been very happy with our purchase of phpQuestionnaire, a PHP + mySQL set of scripts that have allowed us to easily create, admin, and export dat for online surveys. It's been a champ, not a chump. Today I was doing a CSV (comma separated value) export for a recent... «more»
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Seb Sets the Gold Standard For Conference Blogging (March 15, 2005 07:29 AM)
Sébastien Paquet is blogging the Information Architecture Summit in Montreal and is somehow (speed typist, total recall, good tunes??) blogging out extraordinarily detailed notes-- see just a sampling from March 7 Thanks Seb!... «more»
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Open Source Home Page (March 10, 2005 09:03 PM)
This is a nice feature on the MIT web site-- Propose a Graphic: We encourage the MIT community and the public to submit images or designs for the MIT home page. Like open source software, the MIT home page improves with each individual's contribution. The designer of each day's image... «more»
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Another Great Student Panel (March 7, 2005 10:45 PM)
We're getting some great responses and interest in a second student panel we assembled in the last two weeks. Back in February 25, 2005, we had a 5 member panel for our ePortfolio Dialogue Day. For that one we even managed to capture and post the audio from the 55... «more»
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Watch Out for Leon (February 23, 2005 01:27 PM)
Look out fellow bloggers, Leon Lighips a.k.a Guru of the Obvious is going after your Technorati ratings and is planning on becoming king of the Long Tail, the A-List of all A-Lists....... «more»
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Colophon of the Week (February 16, 2005 09:53 PM)
Submitted for the Colophon of the Week (once I look up a definition of what the heck a colophon is), from the Newsdesigner blog: This site was coded with rudimentary HTML, PHP, CSS and BEER. The 3-column CSS layout was adapted from one found at Position Is Everything. BBEdit helped... «more»
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Thanks Will- Energizing One EduBlogger at A Time (February 10, 2005 05:02 PM)
A "web good dog" to Will Richardson for sharing a link to his Learning Times presentation-- see Now THAT Was Fun...and Educational (What a Concept!). His blogging/RSS presentation is available for FREE as a streaming audio narrated show, where he is able to talk over and demo things like Bloglines,... «more»
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Durl and Blogpulse-- More Link Digging Tools (February 7, 2005 09:53 PM)
Just a few clicks after posting about digging out interesting link information via del.icio.us and furl, a comment there from Carmen highlighted some more tools to my toolchest. It had been some time since I had seen Durl, which accesses data from del.icio.us and eeks out some backlinks trends, a... «more»
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A Scary Mouse Click (February 7, 2005 12:07 PM)
Whew! Today was the day we triggered announcement emails on the final reviews of our internal grants program, MCLI Learning Grants. This is a completely homegrown, online system where all applications, reviews, management, and year end reports are done online. The task today was to run a script that rummages... «more»
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Distilling inbound links via del.icio.us and Furl (February 6, 2005 02:21 PM)
This is one of those found be serendipity things, what happens when you just freely poke around the web. Maybe it is obvious to many others, but it's new to me. Some folks rely on technorati for taking a pulse of links going to their content, and it sure provides... «more»
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