I give my utmost appreciation and web shout out to Brian, Cole, and Darren for ideas harked in my call for help on podcast demos scheduled for Monday and Wednesday of this week at 2 of our colleges.

What I’ve done for my organizational sanity as well as to provide some links for those in attendance, was to build a WikiSpaces site (archived by @cogdog) with 5 main sections I vainly open to cover:

http://cogdog.wikispaces.com/podcasting (dead link but archive available)

The graphic, which has no linked relevance, was created at Hetemeel.com’s Dynamic Image site something I serendipitously stumbled upon– you can have any text you like appear as if written by Einstein, and it creates a dynamic image.

Anyhow, since I had to create my handouts before I left town last week, I just made the front page, did a one page handout with the URLs, and have been madly swashing in the rest, likely going up to a minute before showtime tomorrow. My plan is:

* Start With the Demo — (there is a law about that you know). The wiki page lists a number of sites and feeds I have loaded into my iTunes and iPod, and we’ll just pull a few of each type (audio, video, enhanced audio) to give a flavor of the variety.

*Dispense With the Definitions — Actually I will not even bother going into it; links are provided for the dictionary starved. I like the left side and middle of the Podcast Concept Map and may run through that.

* Using and Finding Podcasts — this again is more for reference. I am trying to make a point later that a good starting point is NOT trying to create podcasts or recording “lectures”, but surveying the ever expanding array of content out there and looking for ways to weave it into what is taught. Since tomorrow’s is at GateWay Community College, where they teach a lot of Allied Health fields, I will zero in on the Cardiovascular Multimedia Information Network (CVMD) which has a fabulous set of audio and video cotnent freely available, although I have no idea what any of it is talking about (according to one podcast I listened to on the plane, they had for the first time video recorded and podcast the next day some open heart surgery procedure).

* Creating Podcasts — likely where the deer in the headlights will start. How much i do is going to be decided on the fly. I wanted to be ready to do three kinds of demos.

One is using my iRiver to record audio, quickly edit in Audacity, upload to OurMedia, and then post a linked entry on Blogger– and in the background, I have a Feedburner feed that creates a podcast feed from a Blogger site! That is 3 third party sites working together (does our system really need a solution for podcasting or not?).

The second is using Odeo– first to show how we can call in and record via a telephone a short audio, then use the Odeo web interface to record a piece, If brave, I can then go back to my Blogger site and a link for the Odeo-e audio (or just use the feed generated by Odeo). I will love showing Cole’s examples of students using Odeo to respond to a reading review assignment- a 3 minute limit there is actually a positive value of Odeo’s recording limits. Hey, if anyone has time in the next 24 hours (!!)) see if you can use Odeo’s Send Me A Message to leave a voice recording in my Odeo inbox.

The third example is showing how the home grown Maricopa eportfolio software automatically provides not only streaming for uploaded audio and video content, but automatic podcasting feeds generated.

* If anyone is left awake, I will try to move into some ideas on what they can do next.

This will streak by in an hour. I am trying to remember to bring my second iRiver so I can try and record the whole thing.

Ps- I wanted to mention an incredible resource on podcasting, where I got a ton of new links, created by Shaun Else
Grade 5 Teacher Maple Grove Primary School in Ontario — the only thing I would suggest is something better in the TITLE tage or blog entry than its current title of “2” — but check out http://chatt.hdsb.ca/~magps/boylit/2

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at CogDogBlog.com on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as @cogdog@cosocial.ca


  1. I love the Einstein graphic and thanks for the link to the source site — I know I’ll find a use for it. 😉 As always, the presentation is full of links to explore that can keep me busy for days on end. How do you find all this stuff!?! My favourite pic thought was the ipod in the hand in the “creating” section.

    I think you made an important point about podcasting and the virtue of Odeo — a 3 minute time limit. I was surprised not to see a link to Audioblogger (http://audioblogger.com/) — you pick up the phone, make a call, enter your digital ID, speak your message and it’s automatically posted to your blog. Very clean, very easy, very cool. 😉

  2. Darren,

    “Finding stuff” is more about lifting links others have found. paddling through my piles of del.icio.us links, plus some fresh roundds of Googling.

    Thanks for the nudge on Audioblogger, it slipped through ym cracks (but now added), along with two others:

    http://www.audblog.com/ (though they charge after a free trial, posts to ANY blog)

    There is no end of course, and I typically manage to fall down the slippery slope of providing yet another link dumping ground.

  3. Good luck, Alan, though luck’s got nothing to do with it when the mighty CogDog is at work. 🙂 I left you an Odeo message. Sorry to be so out of touch lately … how high’s the water, mama? three feet high and risin’.

  4. I tried leaving you an Odeo, but I am sitting in the Chicago airport on a cell modem and it just isn’t working. Oh well. Have fun and knock them dead!

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