Blog Pile

Spinning Discs at Baylor

2009/365/58: One Turntable
2009/365/58: One Turntable by cogdogblog
posted 27 Feb ’09, 10.38pm MST PST on flickr

Baylor University Ray I. Riley Digitization Center. I got a nice tour today of their equipment. See

This is a special audio lab set up for the The Black Gospel Music Restoration Project…

Gardner Campbell, my host, had a spiritual moment talking audio tech with the sound engineer here.

I had a fantabulous time here at Baylor University today, including tours with thew facilities of the Electronic Library team, and notable the high end equipment being put to use in the Ray I. Riley Digitization Center. We got to see some of the existing labs, electronic classrooms, video/graphic production suite, video conferencing rooms.

It was no big deal, but apparently getting access to the wireless network requires an appeal to a higher power I lack. Gardner heroically submitted paper work, I showed my ID to a nice lady who tried to go the extra mile, but in the end, I could not get authorized (spinning discs of network access) Luckily my ALLtel wireless access card performed like a champ.

They then turned the microphone over for me, later in the afternoon (3:30 on a Friday!), for a rapid fire introduction to the NMC (Baylore just joined this year) — my show (done again in CoolIris) is at

In the middle I jumped down the rabbit hole into Second Life, for a quick introduction to the NMC Orientation Island, and then to test an avatar tool we are using for our new Social Media Sandbox

It was a wonderful, full day, capped nicely by some local fajitas and a lazy evening watching movies at Gardner’s monolithis giant TV

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as


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