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A Wee Bit Me Too Much Yacking

I always enjoy the opportunity to doa remote storytelling presentation for Dean Shareski’s EMCP 355 class, I think I have done one for the last few years. Usually it is a blast through 50+ Web 2.0 Ways to tell a story; this time Dean asked to do also some overview of ds106. I also wanted to include some more on why storytelling matters across te disciplines…

And I committed the sin I often cast at others of doing too much talking, in fact all talking, in an online session, in my zeal to dole out a lot of resources and ideas.

I really should have demo-ed more, and had the participants do more; I told them about 5 Card Flickr Stories and pechaflickr when I should have had them DO it. Or let them explore the ds106 assignment bank and engage in conversation about how to use it.

There will be an archive, I can hardly recommend sitting through it. I would not.

Please just allow me to do my own self-flagellation, I am not seeking pats on the back, this is my own mental note and challenge to myself to bring more DOING to webinars than yakking.

cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by Éric Senterre

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as


  1. Meh, says the yak in the audience? I doubt it, and don’t think you need to beat yourself up about it. A good talk is still a good talk, and the slides you put together showcase something interesting. I bet Dean’s students would agree.

  2. Hm. I don’t know, I kinda like it when you talk. Just wish I was there to listen more often.

    I find it especially challenging to read the pulse of a group when facilitating an online gathering to know when to show more and when to let them do more. When you can’t see their faces or hear their sighs, it is difficult to know when they are in cognitive overload and need to “do stuff.”

    Ideally, we would be able to send them all the “talk” (readings, examples, videos presentations, etc.) before the class, they would engage and come ready with their own artifacts to share and unpack the experience.

    So, perhaps if you can’t offer that kind of participatory experience, just keep barking my friend (or howling as the case may be 😉


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