7 Posts from April 19, 2003


And Boris then TBs the Same Object

Meet my second learning object blogger, Boris the humanities teacher. He also finds the same correlation meter blogged by Lora, and ads an entry to his own blog- essentially he has a different use for the same LO. And thus, one object in our collection can be networked to places where it is referenced: http://jade.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/cgi-bin/tb.cgi?__mode=list&tb_id=278


Meet Lora..

Lora’s geology objects was the first psuedo blog I created in MT to demonstrate a site in which w person is harnessing the LO/RSS notion in one field. Lora is a Geology insutrctor, and here she has set up MovableType to accept RSS Feeds form our Maricopa Learning eXchange. Later she adds additional feeds from […]


I Blog Therefore I am…

This is the new hub for Alan Levine’s activities as instructional technologist at the Maricopa Community Colleges in Phoenix, AZ, replacing the mid 90s vintage home page, kept at:


Maybe I am new at blogging (as is everyone), but I have been hammering at the web since October 1993. Our MCLI web site has been in continuous “on” mode since then racking up stats. I’ve been commenting and sharing web sites since 1994 via our Bag of URLs and Web’s Eye View. In 2000, I more or less blogged by hand for a 6 month sabbatical from Arizona to New Zealand and Australia.