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  • Number of days on the road: 84
  • Miles Driven: 9569
  • Number of States/Provinces driven in: 17
  • Number of US/Canadian Border Crossings: 2
  • Money spent on gas: $2553
  • Amount of time required to drive 47 miles from Falls Church VA to Baltimore DC: 2.5 hours (frustration: infinite)
  • Photos posted: 2025 (that is an average of 22.2 per day)
  • Number of nights in hotels/B&B: 9
  • Number of nights camping: 16
  • Number of “real” New York lunches (ones that last over 2 hours with conversation): 1 (thanks Susan!)

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

  • Number of re-visits to key places in my past: 4 (old neighborhood on Campfield Road; DeerPark Tavern and Geology Department at University of Delaware; Location where Dominoe Disappeared; Camp Glyndon)
  • Number of new forms of transportation: 4 (paddleboard, Jet Ski, 4 wheel Quad, tractor)
  • Best Beach Walk: Batchawana Bay Provincial Park
  • Number of naps in large public parks: 2 (Central Park, NYC; The Mall, Washington DC)
  • Number of steamed crabs consumed: unknown, somewhere upward of 3 dozen.

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  • Friend/Relatives Homes Visited/Mooched Upon: 25
  • Number of friends from high school met: 2 (thanks Kevin, Laura)
  • Level of joy getting to watch Saturday morning cartoons with 7 year old MacKenzie: extremely high
  • Volume of Eli and Jonah’s welcome in New Jersey: off the scale.

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  • Number of Growlers of Ottos Beer Consumed in ne night with Cole Camplese: 3
  • Best Bike Ride: Canmore to Banff and back with D’Arcy Norman.
  • Best Town Name: Fracking, Pennsylvania
  • Laundry Stops: 10

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  • Boxes of Synders Pretzels Consumed: 5
  • Number of Snyder Pretzel Factories toured: 1` (Hanover PA)
  • Location of other Snyder Preztel Factory: Goodyear, AZ
  • Level of stupidity felt for not realizing first item above and driving 10000 miles to get to second item above: low, its the journey, eh?
  • Number of Breweries Visited: 7 (Glenwood Canyon Brewery (CO), Revolution Brewing, Paonia CO; Laughing Dog Brewing, Sandpoint ID; Grizzly Paw, Canmore AB; Steamwhistle, Toronto ON; Ottos, State College PA).
  • Best Campground and Experience (likely never to be knocked off this list): Canoeing to Wallace Island, BC with Scott Leslie; Least Impressive: Haag Cove, Washington
  • Number of dogs met: 27

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  • Number of ds106 radio broadcasts with new people: 10 (most recent with Cole Camplese in State College PA; Kevin M in State College PA; George Brett in Falls Church VA)
  • Number of Super Late Night ds106 Broadcasts That Were Totally Worth It: All of them.

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as

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