The sounds and smells from the H5P/PB Kitchen are detected in far away places. Today I was fortunate to bring the concept, support model. and examples from our first round of projects to the 2021 Arizona OER Conference.

For me, this was an extra special opportunity since the office that was running the regional conference, the Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction, is the place I started my career. MCLI was the place I first stumbled onto the web in 1993, and most everything I have gotten to do since is because of the opportunities the Maricopa Community Colleges offered me.

My talk today was a bit of discussing the project, the meaning of the “kitchen” metaphors, sharing some before/after examples of the open textbooks our project teams have “infused” with H5P.

I rarely use slide decks for talks, instead, I prefer presenting live on the web; in this case I use WordPress and the SPLOTpoint theme I developed.

Presentation available at

The “secret ingredient” I wove into this was using H5P examples on many of the “slides” (really just WordPress posts), but not explaining this until one third the way in. I made use of the H5P Agamatto content type for a few places to show connections, the Image Juxtaposition one to show before/after of the project textbooks, and a few more. I tossed in a closing branching scenario one as a conclusion.

Voilá, the presentation recording is served!

Here is my own recorded audio, if you like to listen and click along in the presentation site.

This is the first of two sessions I am doing for the conference. A week from today I am leading a hands on H5P Workshop, “Cooking and Spicing Up OERs with H5P”

Open Educational Resources are like a fine meal, but how can you make them even better? In this hands-on workshop you will explore H5P, a tool for adding interactive activities to your OERs, many of them types of activities not available in typical content development systems. The advantages of H5P are that it is not tied to a single platform, what you produce is web-standard HTML5 that can be exported, shared, and remixed for use elsewhere. You will discover how to find examples of H5P used in your discipline to give you ideas what is possible. Next, you will get to experience remixing existing H5P content and explore the more than 40 activity types you can use. In addition, you will get time to experiment with making your own H5P content from scratch

Registration for this workshop, and the entire Arizona Regional OER Conference is free, so check out what else is happening at this conference.

Thanks again to Steven Crawford, Matthew Bloom, Sian Prcotor, Debbie Baker, and everyone else who made it possible to bring the H5P/PB kitchen down to the Sonoran Desert.

Featured Image: A montage of the H5P/Pressbooks web site image – Kitchen at Green Gulch flickr photo by Terrie Schweitzer shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license modified by Alan Levine with overlay of the H5P/Pressbook logos combined with Four Peaks Through the Goalposts flickr photo by cogdogblog shared into the public domain using Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0)

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as

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