cc licensed flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

No matter how many titles I created for this post, all of them went the wrong way down innuendo lane.

This morning, at 1:00 AM local time on Brisbane, Australia, I gave an online presentation for the KU Village conference… from bed. I agreed to do this almost 9 months ago, not knowing I was going to be over here- at home it would have been a more humane 8:00 AM slot so I would have managed to be sitting at a desk.

But really, with all the trite sayings of working online and sitting there in your underwear… this is pretty much true. Suit and tie not needed. I can say this is the first presentation I have done from bed, and it is pretty comfortable (thanks to Phil Long for hosting me and providing the podium in his guest room).

And what irony for this conference- I was not the only keynoter presenting from Brisbane- Steve Wheeler is visiting the University of Queensland did his KU Village tale from Brisbane yesterday.

At this conference organized by Kaplan University, in my talk Say it in Photos, I opted to expand a bit more on some ideas about both the power of communicating via photos, but also on the realization that the process of doing a daily photo project is a powerful lesson in informal learning- that there is something you find you want to get better at, you focus attention on doing it on a regular basis, you join a group of others doing the same, you get feedback from that group (sometimes), you give feedback to others in the group (sometimes), but very importantly, you do some amount of reflection on what you’ve done before as part of the improvement process of learning to do something like take better photos.

It also fits nicely with the “it takes 10,000 hours” to get good at something, as popularized by Malcolm Gladwell in his Outliers book. Even if I am spending 2 hours a day doing daily photo activity, its going to take me more than 14 years to reach that mark. That does not send me into a depressing spiral of “I cannot do this”- it just re-iterates to importance of keeping at the practice.

I also took the audience through the fun bits of flickr-y creativity- Five Photo Stories, phrasr, and leading in the end to a live demo of Five Card Flickr Stories. I had the conference organizers send out a call for participants to tag some photos with fiveku, so there would be a special set of stories that could be done for KU Village.

The slides are posted on Slideshare (I plumb forgot to record my own audio, so I have no sound to sync).

I wonder if my next one I can do from a hot tub?

Start the innuendos now….

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as


  1. I would say that those people interested in improving certainly have been able to do so with the help of Flickr over the last few years. But there are also many that still just click… and Facebook is a testament to there being a mass of photos, most of them are not likely to be ones that are going to get shared and reflected on by others who care about photos.

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