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Jumping into the ds106 audio, assignments, I wanted to take on ones that had few takers so far- and I remain stumped why Suess It was not given some ds106 attention:

Take a Dr. Suess book, or perhaps the Berenstain Bears, or one of your own favorites, and read it to us. Give me your best Yertle the Turtle, or Lorax, or Mama Bear and have fun!

Now just reading a book to me is not really doing ds106 in the “bring us your A Game” style- that would be just following the task literally. I think it should be done in an over the top (or under the bottom fashion). The choice of a book for me was easy, not juts because of my regular inclination to do something dog related, but because truly, Go Do Go was my all time favorite Seuss book as a kid. My copy was covered in crayon sketches (the clean one above was given to me as an adult, and I have kept the crayons away).

I do not have my copy with me, so I read as much from the book as Amazon had on their peek inside.

So here is my wobbly imitation of Tom Waits reading this book

The background music is from the internet archive- a live recording of Hillbilly Jazz in Nashville (1975). This was recorded directly into Audacity, with the music imported. I like using the envelope tool to vary the levels of music to have it fade in and out, and drop under the spoken voice.

(click for full size)

Go Tom Go!

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as


  1. This is great! This assignment is definitely on my “to do” list this week. But I don’t I can do it the justice you did. Thanks for sharing a great example!

  2. Great voice and music, Alan! And you will be pleased to know that when we were initially conceptualizing big, HUGE, humungous tree for The Monkey House, the tree at the end of “Go, Dog. Go!” where the dogs have the Dog Party was the image that came to mind.

    In doing a quick search on the web, I discovered this image — Neat, eh? Where we painted scenes from Curious George on our kid walls, these folks did “Go, Dog. Go!”

    Childhood, eh?

  3. Thanks Andy die the reminders if the fabulous Curious George walls in your house…. I must admit I was always a bit suspicious of the man in the yellow hat.

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