Blog Pile

Headless ds106 Jumps… the Greek Donkeys Carrying Computers

Shark jumping is so old. Everyone has done it. Try leaping over the Greek computer bearing donkeys

cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by Dave Sag

I was trying to think of a ridiculous animal to be jumped, like an 8 headed iguana, and just flickr searching on “hydra” I landed the photo above, which just so begs to be in a blog post.

If anything needs to be said about open access, what about creative commons flickr searching and stumbling across a free to use 10 year old photo of a greek donkey carrying computers? How much ore infinite can the web be? (I seek more reasons to write “Greek Donkey carrying computers”).

The caption of this photo describes nothing you will see around an EDUCAUSE conference:

At lunch on Hellenic island of Hydra when I saw these donkeys carting computers up to a conference.

Enough donkey talk. I really wanted to point out the superlative momentum the headless ds106 has going, now entering its ninth week with no teacher in sight.

My travel and other things on the toad have saturated my attention span, so it has been enough to get the weekly assignments posted, and make sure the Daily Creates are cued up a few weeks out. There are 80 some blogs connected to this version of ds106 aimed at open participants, who have posted 1006 things.

The Google+ ds106 Community is raking on its own life, with new people joining in, they recently spontaneously gave a big hello to Gail as member #106 there.

A group of ds106ers picked up Ary Aganuiz’s idea to have a collaborative animated GIF story, which then appeared as a site (was that you Michael Branson-Smith?)– check that out at Ary has been truly tearing up ds106 with a creative explosion at deep reflections at

Mariana Funes is jumping back and forth between ds106 and phonar and I recall her proposing some sort of trans-class podcast (?).

Cathleen Nardi describes via “There is no AWOL on #ds106” why she keeps at it:

All of this makes me feel connected to a community — a community of learners, of artists, of creators. An open community with no rules or teachers, where you are free to come and go as you please, yet you KEEP SHOWING UP because there is value in these connections.

So, while I was consumed by other work, I was able to find a way to combine some of the key elements of audio into a few key ideas that resulted in the following work.

And where it really shows is what we will get to hear (get it?) tomorrow night when we run the premieres of the radio shows our groups have done. We have four groups that formed, connected over the interwebs, and recorded/produced 4 new shows:

  • “Hack The World” from the Merry Pranksters
  • “ds106, Shrinking the Big Questions” from The 3T’s radio group
  • “Comes a Time” from the “Every story tells a picture” group
  • “Dream Scape 106″³ from the “Dusky Path of a Dream” group

I have the files in my little paws, but have not listened yet; like you, tomorrow will be the first I hear them. Christina Hendricks and I will start playing them at 6pm PST / 9 PM EST (check your local time) on ds106 radio — tune in via We will have call in discussions with representatives of the groups, and the shows will be placed into the schedule to hear again sometime between Wednesday and the end of Earth As We Know It.

Tune into for some live ds1o6radio fun.

I hope to lock in more to ds106 for the last few weeks when we do video and remix. But thats the beauty again is that the community is at the optimum place to move under its own momentum.

It does have me wonder and maybe turn optimistic for how it can grow. A limiting factor on teaching it for me is the ability to give attention and feedback to all students. The same thing comes up in another course I am supporting in that the teachers/students are maxed out on commenting/assessing. So a question is, can a community fill some of that feedback role so an instructor does not max out? Or in what ways can the class itself pick up its own feedback circle without it being a thing being done just for the credits?

cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by Dave Sag

Just keep moving those computers, will ya?

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as

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