Go, Dog Go
Previously I have described a JavaScript bookmarklet tool I wrote for myseld so I could submit websites to multiple tracking sites. Maybe you too want to be able to do a one click submit to send sites to places like Furl or del.icio.us at the same time.
Thus I was inspired to create this tool that allows you to select the ones you want and it will generate the bookmarklet tool for you. Since created, many more bookmarklet tools have been popped online, and I am willing to add them to this list if
- The tool is one that allows added / annotating a web site to a collection site.
- The site offers a JavaScript powered bookmark tool that can be dragged to the browser. The tool should be one that extracts title, URL, description, etc from a page in view and passes it to a server side script. Tools that achieve this on complex ways may not be suitable.
Please use the comments field below to send us your requests, comments, etc.
I would like to suggest adding TagTooga.com for your bookmarklet tool. The icon is here: http://www.tagtooga.com/images/tagIcon.gif
The FireFox bookmarklet is:
javascript:d=document;desc = ”;var ma = d.getElementsByName(‘description’); if (ma.length > 0) { desc = ma[0].content; } w = window.open(‘http://www.tagtooga.com/tapp/db.exe?c=jsEntryForm&b=fx&desc=’+encodeURIComponent(desc)+’&title=’+encodeURIComponent(d.title)+’&url=’+encodeURIComponent(d.location.href),’_blank’,’width=590,height=460,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=auto’);void(window.setTimeout(‘w.focus()’,200));
The Internet Explorer bookmarklet is:
Best Regards,