Linktributions Ahoy? by cogdogblog
posted 21 Oct ’08, 5.27pm MDT PST on flickr
Are more people using "my made-up term? Will it some-day make it as a Word of the Year? (hah, down ego, down….)
I got a nice little tweet from @eemann who discovered linktribution and Google now finds about 1400 instances— though I am sure about 800 are from my own blog, and another 580 are from people’s blogs where my trackbacks have landed there, but that leaves maybe 20 people who picked it up.
Long-tail meme?
I still assert the power of the simple mighty tiny link.
Likewise, I am franchising out to twitterbution given a twitter shout out and/or a link to a tweet-status when someone gives you something worthy via twitter. Already has 34 of them! Or is it thanking them via twitter? I dunno.
Send your link love today. Everyone loves inbound links, so crank out some outbound ones.