20 Posts from October 2009

Blog Pile

Windows Worth Looking Through

cc licensed flickr photo shared by cogdogblog Looking outside a window of the ruins of Scorpion Gulch, a home in south Phoenix built in the 1930s of local rock. southmountainhistory.blogspot.com/2009/05/scorpion-gulch-… Okay I admit the colors have been super scooched with Vibrancy and Saturation for a false color effect on the Palo Verde tree Words are […]

Blog Pile

Squash or Set Free?

On a daily basis, life presents me metaphors. cc licensed flickr photo shared by Frosted Peppercorn When I stepped in the shower this morning, I notice a medium sized, non threatening black spider in the bath tub. My first, and normal reaction is to quickly grab a tissue, so I can squash the bugger, toss […]

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Wave, ripple, and flow

My own Google wave spun through Photoshop As much as I recall being smitten by the original Google Wave Preview video (I watched the whole demo, its still on my iPhone), I’ve felt not more than tiny ripples of interest, and until just a few minutes ago, was curious why I was not feeling the […]

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Camden Yards Tilt Shifted

cc licensed flickr photo shared by cogdogblog On a recent flight I got to playing around with the TiltShift iPhone app, a really fun way to do convert normal photos to something that looks like a miniature train set like model by a clever blur that imposes a false depth of field, and yanking up […]

Blog Pile

“What Language is That?”

cc licensed flickr photo shared by cogdogblog I went to the local Chili Cook Off contest today wearing my Open Education 2009 conference t-shirt with this logo. One local guy dishing out his chili looked at it and asked me, "What language is that written in?" I was stunned a moment, trying to sort out […]

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M-m-m-my/Your Generation & Clever Words At the Root

With all I love about expression in digital media, all of tis forms, I’ve never found the way to formulate what’s bubbled as a thought– that at the root of the best stuff is really, simple good writing, the clever use of words, shades of meaning, etc. Yep, plain old text.

I was reminded of it over the weekend when I had a flashback trip to recasting of my first high school music love- getting turned onto The Who, primarily via The Kids are Alright. I rekindled it by putting the retrospective Amazing Journey DVD on while I took care of some house tasks.

And talking about “Can’t Explain” it was always something about the opening of The Kids are Alright with The Who’s 1967 appearance on US network TV on the Smothers Brothers show, ending their first big US tour. I listened to that opening shtick to “My Generation” so many times it was burned onto my cortex at a level exceeding Monty Python Holy Grail levels.

Sure it was scripted (“yeah, that was bowling”), but there is a moment I think is so subtle (I may be the only person in the universe that thinks this is important) on an interplay between host Tommy Smothers and lead singer Roger Daltrey

Smothers: “Roger from Oz, what’s the next song you’re gonna play?”

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