30 Posts from September 2012

Blog Pile

Freedom in Five Photos

In prep for doing next week’s introduction to storytelling for my ds106 class, yesterday’s sequence of events compelled me to try the Tell a Story in Five Frames flickr group, making a story titled “Freed” This are an interesting challenge, it is easy perhaps to illustrate a series of events. The trick to level up […]

Blog Pile

Things I’m not Doing

* starting or finishing a PhD * running a marathon, half marathon, quarter marathon, one eleventh marathon * watching tv * reading newspapers * giving a crap about MOOCs LOOCs., POOCS, * Eating beets * drinking Bud, Bud Light, Coord, or Coors Lite * baking cakes * filling out those little subscription cards that come […]

Blog Pile

Gotta Know When To Walk

This is supposed to be an introductory blog post for the Program for Online Teaching Certificate Class. Hello/Goodbye it is– while it’s a bit early to jump over the fence (I did rad the first chapter of the book), but I am finding it’s not the experience I need. I’m on course in my usual […]

Blog Pile

Nice Doggy

This is the second week of bootcamp for our online ds106 classes at University of Mary Washington; and one of the assignments this week is a challenge. We asked out students to create an animated GIF in response to the Say it Like Peanut Butter assignment— and purposely did not provide explicit instructions. What we […]

Blog Pile

Aunt Dorothy

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog It’s been a really long long long time since I can even remember spending time with my Aunt Dorothy. She is my Mom’s younger sister; she lent so much to the meeting we had a year ago with the presiding rabbit (oops it was not […]