Just to show that not every one of my recent web design projects relied on the Treble template, here is another site I made recently for my friend’s restaurant in Pine Arizona, The Randall House


The owner had been left in a bind by the last person who promised a site; for maybe a year the URL went to “Database Connection Error”. As a small business owner who not only manages the whole operation but does the cooking, Barb wanted a nice site that would not need much in terms of updates. I provided links to maybe 5-8 different responsive HTML5 web templates, and she picked the one I liked, the Barnelli Theme.

It features an image rich front page slider, and an info page with a lot of options to use images and links to other parts of the site, for example the restaurant information page

rh rest

There are plenty of rollover goodies, like the hours that pop up as an overlay, and the top right image area is a rotating slider set of images. The part we both liked was the design of the menu pages, that features a chalkboard font and background

th menu

That matches the beverage board in the restaurant. The menu has three sections, the main is the breakfast menu, then there is a lunch one, and a third beverage one.

The menus took a while to design, working from a PDF version of the print menu, but we are pleased with how it turned out.

The template has for a third section an online reservation form that we did not need (they do not take reservations online), so I reconfigured a copy of the restaurant page layout to show off the local arts and gifts they sell (I am still doing some tweaking on these pages)

rh art

Since Barb mainly uses her Facebook page to provide updates, I added in widgets to places such as the location/contact page (the contact form took some tweaking too)

rh map

This is not as much a one page theme as Treble; this theme has both a static HTML and a version that is all PHP, which afforded some ways to template re-used content sections as includes, and to be able to generate even other tertuiary pages, such as the info about the restaurant

rh about

This is actually what the template provides as a blog template, but with some cleanup, I just have it as another page; the three content blocks on the right are reused chunks via PHP includes.

I ended up visiting a few times to take more photos, which is not a bad thing at all since the food there is so good! If you are touring north/central Arizona, or are looking for a great place to eat on a road trip from Phoenix of Flagstaff… check out the Randall House!

Welcome to the Randall House

Table Time at the Randall House

Randall House Ham Croissant

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at CogDogBlog.com on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as @cogdog@cosocial.ca


  1. This is just awesome! Lucky Randall House to have gained a busy man for their web representation.
    What stroke me is the idea to depict the menu as if it is written on a black board.

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