My mind works by strange associations, free formed links, connecting, unconnecting, often ending up in the neural equivalent of “page not found”. So on reading this tweet in the Connected Courses twitter flow:
MT @papahazama: Why we need to go beyond the #LMS by @audreywatters #ccourses @greenstratdoc
— jeremy b williams (@jeremybwilliams) September 8, 2014
the phrase “Beyond the LMS” led me to thinking of the fantasmic novel by Philip K Dick (openly available on the web) and had me spending 20 minutes remixing a cover of the book:
(with apologies to PKD fans, do you know what they call themselves?)
Because beyond the LMS, beyond all this stuff… is the open, free linking web, always has been.
Just watch out for those wubs, willya?
And with a mistaken touch, my website is for an American in Finand. A domain that I don’t own.
I recognise that process of your mind Alan, the LMS is a pig, all is good in a pig, when dead.
Which leads to bacon, which is good too
Yes all always leads to bacon and bringing it home.
True… but too often only producing uniform, fatty cuts.
I prefer my bacon ‘free range’. 😉