I’m SPLOT tinkering and feel a wave of totally un-necessary but irresistible song plays…

How does it feel to be
One of the beautiful splots
How often have you added video
Often enough to know
What did you format when you were there
Everything that WordPress can
Captions you’re a rich text
Captions you’re a rich text
Captions you’re a rich text, too
You got all your formats in a tinyMCE Editor
Unfold the bar, what a thing to do
Captions you’re a rich text
Captions you’re a rich text
Captions you’re a rich text, too

What the *#&^$?

A new feature is there for the SPLOTbox (a WordPress theme for a site where visitors can contribute audio and video content)… instead of a text only input field for descriptions of the content… you have the native WordPress Rich Text editor:

Go wild (or as much as you can) with the rich text editor in this SPLOT

You can see it action if you visit the SPLOTbox demo site and click the share menu item.

This was a request from JR Dingwell who may be one of the first people to roll this new splot out. I’d somewhat resisted adding it, thinking it might be too much for sites where people just want quick uploads. But hey, if you don’t want style just don’t use the buttons.

It’s pretty much the same code as what I have in the TRU Writer SPLOT, rather than a plan textarea form field, I use the wordpress function wp_editor

I’ve also learned to use wp_kses_post( ) on saving the content which preserves HTML as well as linebreaks but sanitizes everything else.

It also plays well on mobile:

SPLOTted right text editor on an iPhone size screen

I’m mulling as well if I should add this to the TRU Collector SPLOT for images.

SPLOT’s got rich text,
SPLOT’s got rich text,
SPLOT’s got rich text, too.

UPDATE: January 19, 2017

This is now a theme option. The default is to use the plain text input field for captions, much simpler. But you can activate the rich text editor. So you can choose which way you roll.

Also, because it was pretty simple, these same features are available in the TRU Collector SPLOT

Featured Image: A Specimen by William Caslon Wikimedia Commons image by William Caslon shared into the Public Domain.

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at CogDogBlog.com on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as @cogdog@cosocial.ca

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