You love beer? Not the factory produced swill that gets manufactured in mass quantities, but the small runs by craft breweries? I have an opportunity for you!

I am offering for sale a 1.5% share of ownership of THAT Brewery located in Pine Arizona (and a second production facility in Cottonwood, Arizona. Check them out on the web.

THAT Brewery web site with photo of fermenters. Animated text reads We Love Good Beer, Get THAT.
Nice web site, eh for THAT Brewery (I built it)

I became an investor in 2011, using some of the proceeds from the sale of my Mom’s house after she passed away. Local friends in the area told me how the owners of what was a small restaurant in Pine were converting it to a craft brewery and were looking for investors.

Tamara and Steve had a solid plan for both the business (with numbers about the growth of craft beer in the state) and also how it would give back to the small community there. It was strategically located adjacent to the Arizona Trail, the 800 mile trek that runs south to north across Arizona (sales of THAT Arizona Trail Ale are donated to the trail organization).

I was just going to put the fund into the bank, and it seemed better to put it to work for a small local business. They’ve worked hard to get the beer into stores, restaurants, and bars across the state and winning many awards. They are major sponsors of local events, like the Fire on the Rim Mountain Bike Race.

And I have greatly enjoyed the friendships and connections made through the people there. I’ve gotten to hang out and help (actually mostly just taking photos) when Steve was brewing, took part in the help of the move in to the Cottonwood facility, and mostly gotten to see up close how a small business can be much more for a community than just a business.

And just for a small bit of fun, today I was scanning tweets, and one from boingboing caught my eye. The photo looked familiar…

That’s my photo of a beer at THAT Brewery in Pine sitting right there in the boingboing post! See, this place has appeal.

So I have no problem against holding on to my share.

But… now I am living in Canada, and do not get to spend much time at the brewery. Plus my wife and I have a very strong desire to purchase a camper; selling the brewery investment can make that happen for us.

So if you, or someone you know, wants a piece of a fine craft brewery, let me know. What could be finer that investing in beer? Get a piece of THAT now! Contact me through any channel, and I can tell you more.

Featured Image:

Bokeh Over Beer

Bokeh Over Beer flickr photo by cogdogblog shared into the public domain using Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0)
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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as

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