4 Posts Tagged "AnimatedGIFAssignments859"

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Riffing Todd Conaway’s Riff of David Kernohan’s MOOCs Are People Poster: Sneak preview of tomorrows presentation #designassignment666 #ds106 pic.twitter.com/EYXodAGy — David Kernohan (@dkernohan) February 13, 2013 We riff a riff a gif! Leading the riot bus! Rocking the streets of London mayhem! Why? Because we can. And it’s a ds106 Riff a Gif assignment

ds106 GIFfest 2012

Not Quite Norma GIF

How could anyone resist doing Tom Woodward’s Not Quite Norma Jean assignment? The past is strange. Remake this classic Marilyn Monroe “expressions sheet” with self-portraits or with the aid of a friend. Bonus points for the involvement of a stranger. And I thought, if Tom Woodward can pose coyly like Marilyn, than surely my stuffed […]