
Podcasting a Meeting About Podcasting

Last Friday was the February meeting of our Ocotillo Online Learning Group — the theme for this meeting (selected back in May 2005) was digital audio and podcasting. While the meeting notes are not yet updated, I’ve done a quick turn around on the audio recorded and posted them to the meeting notes page.

Yes, “Podcast” is the big, electric magic word of the month. Hardly a day goes by now and someone is not mentioning it in email. I am now scheduled to do 2 college demos in the end of February. So no surprise we had a good turnout for our Friday meeting at Rio Salado College. Among the available audio from our demos/presenters you can hear about:

Rio Salado College’s RioCast:
Rio Salado College, the Maricopa college that specializes in distance learning, has just implemented a podcasting service for their wellness and diversity programs, as well as starting to integrate into their courseware. Angela Ambrosia provided an overview of RioCast and John Tynan, highlighted the podcasting going on at KJZZ, the local public radio station that is housed at Rio:

http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/ocotillo/olg/audio/olg_feb06_rio.mp3 [13 Mb MP3]

Give Your Classes a Voice!
Roger Yohe of Estrella Mountain Community College provided a demo and overview of his college’s use of Horizon Wimba, a voice recording technology that integrates with Blackboard. It allows voide emails, voice to voice chats, and threaded voice discussion boards:

http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/ocotillo/olg/audio/olg_feb06_yohe.mp3 [13 Mb MP3]

Student Life Podcasts at Paradise Valley
Mike Ho, Director os Student Life at Paradise Valley Community College gave a fantastic presentation of Podcasting Basics- where he outlines the reason he set out to publish Student Life Podcasts, how he went about it (a $23 recording studio!), and shared some of the successes that the service has achieved. You can find Mike’s Powerpoint stored in his ePortfolio:

and listen in to Mike’s story:
http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/ocotillo/olg/audio/olg_feb06_ho.mp3 [15.7 Mb MP3]

Podcasting Whirlwind Tour
I had the last 20 minutes and tried to show some examples of iPod video, enhanced podcasts, and then did a quick live recording with my iRiver, a quick edit in Audacity, posted to our site, and then published to the podcast feed for our OLG group. Among the sites I demo-ed in iTunes were:

Editing my own audio was painful. I lost count at about 20 deleted “ums” and then I got tired and left the rest in:
http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/ocotillo/olg/audio/olg_feb06_alan.mp3 [11 Mb MP3]

The lovely live audio demo I did is also available (why?):
http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/ocotillo/olg/audio/olg_feb06_alan_demo.mp3 [472 k MP3]

I’m hopeful, judging from the response, that folks are thinking about the ways they can use audio in their courses.

Um….. Um…. Um…. Umm… Um….

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at CogDogBlog.com on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as @cogdog@cosocial.ca


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