cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

One of my mom’s recently acquired phrases was her being “blown away” by something positive, and I am sure those would be her words at seeing what by internet friends are doing in her honor tomorrow. Thanks to Martha Burtis and Giulia Forsythe (I think those are the idea spawners), and idea is spanning to celebrate Mom’s make the world better one bag of cookies at a time philosophy via the Day of CookieLove (see

In tribute to Alan Levine’s mom, who passed away unexpectedly last weekend, we’d like to invite you to participate in Cookies for Cogdog. One of the wonderful things that Alan’s mom did was bake chocolate chip cookies every Sunday and then give them away to strangers. This Sunday, September 4th, we’re hoping to get people to follow in her footsteps. Bake some cookies and then brighten a stranger’s day by giving them away.

We’d joked in that February ds106 momcast about how to make the world better, and we really had hoped to get Qadaffi’s home address so Mom could send him some cookies (I am sure he would have come to his senses after one bite):

cookies for Qadaffi

I am actually not going to be baking cookies, I am going to be watching for what happens (as an excuse, I am spending the weekend on my sister’s sailboat) so please tweet and flickr and comment me your stories about what’s happened. I’m watching #cookielove happening. Trend that, baby!

Darren is on is way to China, but got his #cookielove doen early, thanks man! And I’d like to share a special thank you to Beth Kanter for her make Alan blush post “On Networks, Love, and Death: Cookie Love”

This is all helping me so much through this time, especially facing up to next week when my sister and I head to Mom’s house to handle the legal stuff. I was also moved in that ds106 radio session with Mom when she asked why I as archiving our conversation and I said something about someday she would not be there- damn I was not ready for it this soon.

mom archived

Thanks to everyone making and sharing cookies tomorrow, you are too making the world better, one shared cookie at a time. I am blown away.

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as


  1. I’ll be baking cookies to share with a friend (fellow diabetic) who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer one year ago; he got that in remission only to find out last month that the cancer is now in his abdomen. This has been a tough week in and out of the hospital so our group (of friends from high school) is going to see him this weekend to cheer him up. “Make the world better one bag of cookies at a time.” What a great philosophy. Your Mom seems like a wonderful beautiful person that I would have liked to have known. And since you’re out on a boat, I guess there’s no chance of getting your Mom’s recipe to use in baking my cookies, no?

    1. Hi Terri

      Mom’s recipe is the basic on from the package of Nestle Toll House chocolate chips; her only addition was adding some chopped peanuts. And lots of love.

      Best of luck to your friend (I am diabetic myself and never ate many of Mom’s cookies).

  2. I read about your mother passing away on Twitter; I almost sent you a message even though I do not know you personally only because I know how difficult it is to lose your mom – especially unexpectedly. (You also were driving right by my home on your trip – live right off I83 in Southern York). I would have joined your “Cookie Love” if I had read this post to honor your mom – and all moms. Ironically, I had traveled back to my home in NJ to visit with my dad and pack up my mom’s china and a few other things that my dad had been asking my siblings and me to go through. My mom was not a big baker (though her applesauce cake was a favorite & one I make often), but she was a wonderful person who I still miss terribly. It is wonderful that you and your friends thought to celebrate your mom as you did. Also, the quote you had shared via Twitter about a loved one not being gone, just harder to see made me smile. I wanted to thank you for that. I wish you comfort at this time – know your words, shared so openly, have given comfort to others! It is clear you are following in the footsteps of your mother in caring for and reaching out to others!

  3. Pingback: Flowers for Nancy

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