Via a recent blog comment I was led by link curiosity to Leigh Blackall’s Teach and Learn Online blog which comes to us from the Blue Mountains of Australia (hence the blue template theme??). From his site, I found a nifty free wiki space called… WikiSpaces where amoung other things like blended learning wikis I found a wiki for Buffalo wings. There’s some nice features here, and each new wiki gets its own URL. Nice.
Leigh also has some “screencasts” such as Using Bloglines to Capture NewsFeeds and Stay in Touch With Learning and Using Blogger to Create a Web Journal though here it looks like Leigh is providing the audio to be played while following his well illustrated screen guides.
This is just a quick skim, but I’m gonna load his blog on the news reader and follow along for a while. Good on ya!
Gday Alan,
The Blended Learning Wikispace has a workshop/webquest: Getting started with Blogging in Education that we’re currently working on. The cool thing about this is it’s based on a Webquest created by Trevor Ettenborough that you’ve commented on before!. In fact, I think I first came across Trevor’s webquest after finding it on your site… so thanks! (Trevor licensed his work to us under a Creative Commons Share Alike license… isn’t the world a better place since CC!)
How do you do the “similar puppies” to this post?
That is the lovely “Related Posts” plugin:
See more WP plug-able goodies: