As just mentioned, today I presented Podcasting on the Cheap / Thinking Before You Click Record” for the NMC Online Conference on Personal Broadcasting.

There is really about 25 minutes of stage time in these sessions, and I knew I had a lot of ground to cover, so it went at supersonic speed. Actually a bit too fast. The presentation is here in parts- you’d need to be registered in the conference to hear the recorded archive, but I loaded must of the links in a wiki at

I did this in the continued hope that others will go there and add many more resources than I could muster up. I am fearful though, that as an open wiki, the spam ferrets will get in and piss all over the place. So I have made a backup, and if they do as I predict, I will restore form backup and lock it up. I hate spammers. I hate spammers.

This was not really the presentation, more of some resource pages I pulled up as I discussed things. Rather than slurping Powerpoint slides into Elluminate, I set up all my “slides” as URLs bookmarked in Firefox, and loaded them in a bookmark folder, which I opened all in FireFox tabs. This is my main mode now for web demos, even in person, so one is not stuck waiting for page loads. I got the browser screens as small as possible (for the content), and in Elluminate, I displayed them via applicatio sharing. Some of the main chat banter was people trying to guess what web browser I was using, because of the weird pattern of all the pending tabss:


I’ll share a few of the quickly mocked up creative commons licensed flickr images I used (and by the way, FlickrLilli rocks for finding them much better than flickr has set up- what has happened to the innovation at flickr’s site? it has plateau-ed as it has been yahoo-ed):

Title screen:
Creative Commons Licensed flickr photo from Alaina B

“Start With the Demo”:
Creative Commons Licensed flickr photo from “iwouldstay”

The demo was not much of a demo- quickly showing Odeo, describing my “Call for Odeo Call ins“, showing the list of responders. I tried to play one, but Odea was slow in responding (gulp). I shifted gears to describe Cole Camplese’s use of Odeo as a student audio discussion board, and Karen Schwalm’s “Watching Boars” (the Odeo audio there did work). More of these examples and more are listed on the wiki (below the bog photo).

I am no expert (link URL for wiki):

Creative Commons Licensed flickr photo from “Joe in MV”

We jumped here to an Elluminate whiteboard where I asked participants to jot down items that ought to be “thought” about- I’ll try and grab a screen capture to post back here.

The Road to Podcasting:
Creative Commons Licensed flickr photo from “Matt Blackcustard”

This was a quick talk through the steps and some of the tools. I could not speak all that expertly about different software people were asking about.

I did a screen walk through of the 3 step podcast feed process.
(1) Load something at OurMedia
(2) Write an entry at a blogger site (my live demo bombed, I had to go back and use the Blogger “Link” field).
(3) Let Feedburner do its magic -voila! A podcast (and it did work with video content).

Whew, gotta take an off computer break… and ramp up again for another full day tomorrow.

And no, I did not do my own recording. I might have if my iRiver I ordered 2 weeks ago had arrived or ever been able to provide tracking. Coming in a future rant- skip buying stuff from RitzCamera.

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as


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