I’m so missing having a copy of Photoshop to work on; my limits now for doing animated GIFs are assembling images– Saving frames from MPEG Stream clip or a series of images form my DSLR, loading as layers into GIMP, and trying to make them flip as needed, I really miss how PhotoShop can try and line things up. These are alll kind of junk, too much jerking and not aligned cleanly. Lazy.
First of all, it’s the nervous cop a young punk Robert Blake plays in Electra Glide in Blue:
Next, I noticed one night out my window that the horizontal lights on the Vancouver City Hall were flashing on and off to make it look like a ripple moving up and down (?) – it happened right at 10pm so maybe it is like a chime. I grabbed a few seconds of video and made this one in Cinemagram.
This one weighs in at a hefty 2.5 Mb, something you just have to face if you are going to GIF on the iThing.
Also, it seems that Johnny Cash is not a big fan of the flipped classroom:
And an old one that has a date of October 2011, but I do not recall blogging it, but here goes the ds106 rock band lead by Buddy Holly
UPDATE (June 7, 2011): My apologies for taking claim (and calling poor quality) tyhe Buddy GiF animation; as noted below and me filling the bitch slap in twitter, that was created by Otto Paertz. My own confusion was why I had a PSD version of the GIF, and I can only guess I had opened it in Photoshop in an effort to see about modifying it.
And finally, the never ending motion of tourists on Granville Island
Oh, and a little DTLT Makerbot action
And finaly, a little outtro with Ace and the boys
These are as lofi as it gets!
Are you suggesting here that you did the Buddy Holly GIF?
I thought it was I, Otto Paertz, who did it as a little GIFt to the irrepressible Jim Groom after he occupied Open Ed 11.
But I might be a little fuzzy on the specifics. There were a number of crises that required my attention back then.
If it turned out that it were I, Otto Paertz, who in fact created the Buddy Holly GIF which you in turn are labeling as poor quality, then it would appear that we might have a bit of problem. I might have to accept that so-called professor scotttlo’s invitation to your camp to settle matters.
And of course these matters would have to be settled in the Prussian way.
Yo Otto, keep your spätzle down! You are correct, I am wrong, it was a late night blogging error, and credit has been restored (see above). I’ll drop by scottlo’s little party corner on SL and do a grovel dance.
Jittery Vancouver City Hall with the blinking lights looks like it’s dancing. Jim Groom would have crooned just like Buddy Holly if DS106 had happened in the 50s. And Ace’s cape is unbelievably massive, look at the shoulder pads on that thing.
May seem like a messy pileup, but lots of fun stuff.
It;s all how you use the tool, I have only used the GIMP/MPEG STreamclip connection save for the Hulk Comic Book cover, and mine are art. Don’t blame the tool, blame the artist 🙂 GIFs are about seeing the film, understanding it. You must become one with the movement. No tool can get you there, grasshopper.
I like how Jim comes back and tells you to stop complaining about the tool instead of offering to buy you a frickin copy of Photoshop. Now, back when *I* was director. . .:-)
Anyway, I love this collection, particularly the building in Vancouver.
You’re showing me up, co-director!