Just so my students who start ds106 starting tomorrow know who they are dealing with! There is still time to drop, ha ha.
At 13 some minutes, its longer than I thought I was making. And this should be the last such me talking to you via a web cam video. At ds106, we don’t do lectures as video. Next out is a a post on ds106 with details for their first week assignment, and by tomorrow I hope most of them are firing off their domain setups so we can get to blog publishing my mid week.
I filmed this directly into iMovie; my first try was using PhotoBooth but the video quality was horribly out of sync. I made a studio setup in my office using natural window sidelight and then bounced it to the other side with a reflector hung from my tripod.
The remaining videos will be done conversationally, with guests (I miss ya, Martha) in Google Hangouts, starting Tuesday.
Stay tuned, the rocket known as ds106 is lifting off.