Grim news Daily Create challenge, a writing one today:
Write Your Own Tw-Obituary (your life in less than 140 characters)
Another Hat Tip to the Urban Dictionary: “Your life’s work summed up in 140 characters or less. Just the right size for a gravestone perhaps?”
Mine is a bit of play on the Twitter API Error Messages, playing like making an API request for my timeline (I had to chop some of this to fit the characters):
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<error code=”410″>This resource is gone.</error>
Yes, my last tweet is an error message. I won’t be replying.
The image is from the Tombstone Generator – you can one of these sites for almost everything you can imagine– church sign, fast food signs, Band Names…
Urban dictionary a gold mine of #ds106 #dailycreate Writing Challenges– Write Your Own Tw-Obituary
— Alan Levine (@cogdog) July 20, 2013
I came across this while looking for some other twitter lingo, and got 3 or more Daily Create prompts out of the search.
Nothing short of brilliant, I love it. The 404 page in the sky! You should definitely choose a burial so that this can live on! 😉