I’m pretty excited to work out my newest Storybox, a PirateBox device hidden inside an old Brownie camera
I’ve seen some hacks on the PirateBox forums where people have set up enclosures with lights the activate when the thing is on. I was looking yesterday at the shutter mechanism in the front of the camera, and was wondering if there was someway to have the PirateBox trigger the shutter
The shutter on the side, simply opens the hole to the inside of the camera for a short time, and closes. But I noticed, if you pull up the lever on the top, it becomes a “bulb” exposure, meaning the aperture stays open when the shutter is clicked. So if I could rig a light source on the inside of the box, I could open the shutter
A dream would be to have the light somehow triggered by activity on the PirateBox (the MR-3020 router does have lights that flash, maybe I could just position those behind the hole.
Anyhow, I am not much of an electronic hacker, so am open to suggestions. I am hoping for help from my friend Ken in Paonia I will visit. When I was there in 2011 carting my first PirateBox, he had read about it on my blog, and had built one by the time I got there.
He did have the coolest business card I’ve ever seen, it plugs into your USB!
creative commons licensed ( BY-SA ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog