I thought this image was a clever idea, but it may not be quite apparent. I have replaced Dave from 2001 A Space Odyssey with a montage/collage/frommage of George Siemens (image source) and Stephen Downes (image source).
Why? Of course, together they spawned the first cMOOC, CCK08, which really ought to be for Canadian Massive Open Online Course.
You see, what I asked for in Seeking Syndicated / Distributed / Connected Course Examples already has a name.
They are the cMOOCs of the original stardust formation.
The Connectivism and Connective Knowledge course (CCK08) was the first to incorporate open learning with distributed content, making it the first true MOOC…
What this means is that course content is not located in one place, but may be located anywhere on the web. The course therefore consists of sets of connections linking the content together into a single network. Here is the structure of the CCK08 course network
That’s a relief.
Just don’t club me with a bone.
Aw, I’d never club you with a bone, Alan 🙂
That image you cannot unsee.