If you host your web sites on Reclaim Hosting you are not only going with the best service going, you get things like one click installs via cpanel of a suite of tools you won’t find elsewhere.

In addition to three of my calling card WordPress themes, there are a pair of new ones, yes you have a Double Double of SPLOTs you can have fully set up in your own domain, fully set up, and bearing demo content.

Row of apps available as featured installs, with red box around icons for TRU Collector and TRU Writer

Yes, rather than starting with a vanilla Hello World site, manually uploading themes, adding plugins, setting options, you can get a completely working site for TRU Collector and TRU Writer.

I’ve been working with the high wizard Tim Owens on setting up command line instructions for installing these sites, using various exports (content as WordPress standard export, Widget settings using the Widget Import/Export plugin, and where needed, Customizer settings using Customizer Import/Export plugin.

The site you will get for TRU Collector is a copy of an original source demo site

link to demo site

And if you choose to install TRU Writer, you get a clone of this site:

link to demo site

The first item in each one includes information you might need for final customizing of your site (see Setting Up Your Image Collector SPLOT or Assembling your SPLOT Writer.

The one thing different from a blank install of WordPress via Installatron is that your Apps list will not log you directly into your site (a limit of what Tim can script) (for now?):

App list for a newly installed TRU Writer site, arrow pointing to login link

So if you try to log in here, you will need to enter the admin username or password. So it means on installing, you may want to save the admin login details:

Installer settings for admin username and password

Or you can modify after the fact using the wrench icon for the site listed in My Applications.

Or you can issue a password reset using your email address used for your reclaim account from the login screen.

blurred image of a pair of SPLOT logos

Are you seeing double SPLOTs? You could… and much more clear than that in 2 clicks.

Featured Image: I did a google image search (with options for open licensed results) on the phrase “double spot” and landed on a bunch of images of what is called a double square spot moth. I chose one I saw in Wikimedia Commons, but traced its source to flickr — Double square-spot (sw) flickr photo by davidshort shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license.

To this image I inserted by masking, the SPLOT logo

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at CogDogBlog.com on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as @cogdog@cosocial.ca

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