I’m one month in to my 13th year of a daily photography practice/compulsion.
While perfect attendance is not the goal (only achieved in 2015 and 2016) there usually looms a major year end task of rounding up the strays and ones missing from my yearly album.
So as a goal for 2020 (I did not say resolution, those are for the birds), I thought I might try a monthly recap and scavenging. January is an easy month for my system of titling photos (YYYY/365/DD where DD is the day number of the year) as the date is the number.
And thus I did achieve a 31 for 31 days.
Woo hoo.
In there are
- Sunsets 4
- Fence lines 4
- Food 3
- Silly 3
- Leaves 1
- Llama Paintings 1
- Converging Lines 2
- Home Projects 1
- Rose Hips 2
- Snow 7
- Black and White 4
- Coffee 1
- Whimsical Signs 1
Well, picking five standouts a month (new tradition) gives me
This was just such a fabulous outing day to visit Buffalo Pound with Cori, doing what we love so much, chasing light with our cameras. Among many things she has taught me is the love of picking rose hips both to savour on a day like today, and other times when we picked bucket loads for making into jam. The colors here with the snow are so crisp.
Considering I often make two pizzas a week, this is a common photo. I am so hooked on the flavor of the green pesto sauce, and I’ve upped my game by being more deliberate about what sits on top and gets crispy.
Sorry if you are drooling on your keyboard. There might be a left over slice in the fridge.
This is the obvious photo for the 15th, the day a surprise package came in the mail bearing another watercolor my sister made based on my photos. These are “our” llamas (they have names but we only share them in person) who live down the road from us.
Fences and sunsets are what often Cori and I capture on our later afternoon photo walks. We have such glorious sunsets right out our door.
Making breakfast on the weekends is among our traditions, and I often cannot resist a “food face” shot. Yes, this is the in the “silly” count.
That’s January. Let’s see how the 29 days of February do…
Featured Image: Screenshot of the flickr album for my 2020 Daily photos. Since they are licensed CC0 so is the screenshot.
An art teacher I used to work with long ago did a watercolor of one of my odd pictures. I find that sort of cycle of inspiration and creation really awesome.
I’ve always enjoyed your shots and been impressed by the consistency and quality. I’ve come to accept that my own life/personality/something tends to be more erratic. 🙂 I always enjoy when we get a chance to wander around photographing together. Seeing the new lens on Canada has been really interesting.
Thanks Tom. And I cannot accept that your assertion of life’s erratcity (wow that’s a word, no red underline). Isn;t all life erratic? If it not, we’d be bots. Without cameras.
I just meant that some people find happiness with more consistent patterns in their lives than others. I used to feel like I should do daily things after seeing other people do it but it tended to make me unhappy relatively quickly. I still think it’s awesome to see people do daily things and I appreciate it greatly but no longer feel like I should imitate the same patterns.