I’m allowed to shame myself here, right? It’s my blog, my domain, hell yeah!

By my own and flickr’s reckoning, this is the 14th year of my daily photo posting habit. It does amuse myself that the flickr feature of collections, meaning a group of albums of photos (which is meta meta) is not anywhere apparent as a direct link. You get there by tacking /collections on the end of your account URL, or for mine https://www.flickr.com/photos/cogdog/collections/

If you are Old Flickr like me you can recognize this page as one bearing the design of the 2005 era of flickr.

A grid of all 14 of my flickr albums, each containing my daily photo for that year. The names range from newest o2 2021/365 to 2008/366
14 years of this stuff! https://www.flickr.com/photos/cogdog/collections/72157603606520335/

A perfect score is never the goal (I am only 2 for 14 there) but 2021 is pretty much lagging (40 days missing by today’s count). The year end cleanup usually finds maybe 10-20 i forgot to tag or add to the album, but my attention was waned this year. Insert any of a number of excuses.

Heck look what I could have done productively in this time span:

What did I achieve while that long range falcon was in flight? c.f. Excuses, Alan’s (2021).

I do end up taking photos on almost a daily basis, lots on walks around our home, but my habit for getting them posted seems to slip into the being a month behind. Two nights ago I did a catch up for a long stretch, and as it turns out without even realizing, I hit the magic bingo number for the upload — thanks for noticing, Bill Smith!

The weird thing is that the flickr group created for this has something like over 1800 members who have shared almost 312,000 photos since 2008. And they pretty much do this without any significant communication or coordination (the last message posted to the discussion area dropped 4 months ago). There is something fascinating about people with this same interest pursing their task of a regular activity completely independent of each other. And no one cares what your “score” is or if you cheat or even bothers to criticize you.

Is there some name for this uncoordinated shared habit/vice/obsession?

Anyhow, I have some hopes to not let a month of no uploading slide on by. Last night I got 2 days uploaded (and with today being a rainy inside day I am wondering if there is anything in my camera).

Of course, this whole post falls into the fluff pile of who really cares about this?

Well one person does.

And that’s why, after all this time, all these tools, gizmos, apps, that have come and gone, the Blog is my habit.

Featured Image: In complete sarcastic parody of some old yacht rock album cover, with not a shred of the original art present. Still, by the letter of licenses, it’s probably suspect. But messing with these rules is another habit.

A mockeup album cover titled The CogDog Photos, what were once daily habits are not monthly including  the photos from my flickr daily photo album. It sits atop a wooden table.
I license this under WTFPL
If this kind of stuff has value, please support me by tossing a one time PayPal kibble or monthly on Patreon
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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at CogDogBlog.com on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as @cogdog@cosocial.ca


  1. Well another person who noticed-me.
    Joining your group in 2009 made a difference in my life.
    I still follow and maintain connection with some of those who I met in the group. While the goal is to meet in person someday I still feel as if They are close friends..,@dmcordell, @colemama, @katharar, @mhutchinson, @gibsonsgolfer @siavogel…and a few more who I connect with almost daily but now can’t remember their Online IDs as they are now people to me in online spaces vs logins. We connect not in Flickr as much but other spaces now.
    I haven’t posted daily shots in a few years. But I still shoot daily and create.
    You have made a difference in my journey @Cogdog. Your openness to share your life and thoughts, your bringing others together. My #ds106 adventure and growth because of you and your sharing.
    Thank you. Thank you for the creative and intellectual prompts, the sharing and caring of your life for me to read and then reflect on my own. For being able to follow Felix…and for things like a words with friends competition on New Year;s Eve on a year I needed a diversion from the complications of family life. You make a difference…thank you! Always wishing you the best and so nice to continue to read of what life is for you.

    1. Oh my and thanks Kathy, I am honored by this response. And this is what it’s about, the connections that supercede the platforms. I did get to meet @colemama once when I visited my Mom in Florida. These meetings when they happen close and open so many circles.

      Thanks too for the Words with Friends though you kicked my butt in it, always open to play again (I can get a greal from my sister whupping me). Take care and thanks for the comment.

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