31 Posts Tagged "family"


98 on the Dad Scale

Me and Dad were but 5 days apart on the birthday calendar, aand today, were he here, I’d be calling to tease and say, “How is 98 feel Dad?” There’d be that pause and a throaty left, with something like in reply, “Not bad at all, Junior.” I had a good round of memory sifting […]


The Last Herondorf

A reminder today from my Google Family Calendar, a descendent of my Mom’s paper habit of tracking events, read Dorothy b (1931). That means today her youngest sister aka Aunt Dorothy, turns 92 today. She is the last remaining sibling from the five kids my mom’s parents raised in the 1920s and 1930s, a Baltimore […]


Soup and Memory

“Oh no, Granny! I must call you and apologize for not doing so on your birthday, last Friday… at least I made your split pea soup…” She would have been 116 that day — plus or minus as the story goes, October 15 was picked by a Census taker since Baby Janet lacked a birth […]