6 Posts Tagged "navigator"

Blog Pile

Not One Tech Extinction

cc licensed flickr photo shared by John Kannenberg A few weeks ago we had author Kevin Kelly appear as a guest on the Connect@NMC webinars to talk about his book “What Technology Wants” (a full archive is available). In his work, Kelly uses a broad umbrella to include what is technology, and suggests an ecosystem/evolution […]

Blog Pile

The DynabookPad

I’m finally getting my health and schedule back into the readings for Gardner Campbell’s Networked Seminar, where this week the reading (or maybe it was last week) was Alan Kay and Adele Goldberg’s Personal Dynamic Media (it is available as a free chapter download from the Nee Media Reader). It’s easy to focus on the […]

Blog Pile

3-D or Not 3-D

cc licensed flickr photo shared by The Naughty Prata I barely watch anything on my home TV screen (I don’t get a signal nor any cable, so its for DVDs only), so I’m not quite up to speed on the latest technology for 3-D video but it is a technology we try and track for […]