Yup, the branding folks at the CogDogBlog Inc are rolling out a new logo and header. This is a big move around here, and may not be popular. Mickey has been a staple of this blog since it began in 2003, and it feels a bit weird to be changing him out. Change is hard, on dogs too.

But Felix is the new dog, and deserves some spotlight. I am using the image that is a painting done by my sister, which she did based on my photograph. Remix, for the logo and the win!

My lnog lived and almost never changed icon was from a photograph of Mickey maybe in 2002

I have a pretty complete collection of the header images going back to the very start, here is the header image from the first iteration of CogDogBlog in Movable Type


Then when I was using a theme called “Headspace” after moving to WordPress (there was a narrow window of time I used old Kubrick, that files is here too).


Not a whole lot of difference, more of a size when the theme switched to Hope:


And about 3 years ago, when I moved to the current Wellite theme:


Finally as of tonight, Mickey makes room for Felix


And over the next whatever amount of time, a likely rollout of the icon in social media.

Felixification has commenced!

No word if this has any skin art implications!

I can even go back farther in time to my first domain and personal website dommy.com named after my first dog, Dominoe. She is on the cover, along with subsequent dogs that came after– MC Fudge, Skamper, Cadu, and Mickey


The heck with turtles all the way down, for me, it’s dogs, all the way back.

Top / Featured Image: Collage of old and new header images for this blog, all my photos and photoshop nudging, and all licensed Creative Commons BY Attribution (trying to think who the heck would ever want this image, but that’s not the point- share everything / attribution everything is out motto. Or something like that. Maybe it’s “blog long and prosper”? Who writes these footer messages?

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at CogDogBlog.com on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as @cogdog@cosocial.ca


  1. Change, indeed. It’s funny how much I have become attached to the icon of Mickey. Hurray for felix, and I think you have inspired me to change my branding to kittens ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Oh my God i won’t recognize u any more! There is a dog in my mom’s building that looks like Mickey and when he looks at me I think ur here…which is ridiculous.
    I guess I feel traumatized by anyone changing their profile picture in general. I get kinda comfy w profile pics and forget there are real ppl behind them (or in this case, dogs). U having a mid-life crisis? Juuuuust kidding.

  3. I am for dynanism! Felix us awesome as you are!!! So changed will be embraced by your fans ๐Ÿ™‚
    Loving the image already!

  4. Well, it is always good to have New Friends, but also remember the Old Friends, especially if they are True Friends, like dogs. Because I think a dog cannot be anything but a True Friend. It is in a dog’s nature to be a True Friend.

    But not cats, UNCLE @JimGroom. Because those cats are too picky/fussy (is pussy cat short for picky/fussy cat?) to be a True Friend. They will hiss and scratch and put their nose up.

  5. Do you know the origen of the phrase “turtles all the way down”? From Ursula K. Le Guin, I believe.

    I like the addition of Felix, of course! IMHO while you’re changing and shaking things up, get rid of the “blah blah blah.” In my mind it is needlessly self-deprecating. I don’t read and respect writing that is just so much “blah blah blah,” and as a reader, I do not live to be constantly confronted by a header that suggests I have low life tastes and can’t find something better to read.

    I think that reflects a younger, less verbally sure-footed Alan and could be changed up.

    Speaking of sure-footed, I am nearing the end of my precious Fossil Creek Cremery Goat Milk Face Cream–the source of my blushing beauty! Oh no! Must visit website and see if they ship. They never did get back to me on the videoito I made and posted on their FB page–I’m betting they never saw it. I’ll ask when I call to make an order–best product ever!

      1. To give Felix a rebalance presence, you could alternate blog and bark: bark bark blog blog blog bark blog bark blog blog blog bark bark

  6. Well, I always thought it was a First Nations story about the World Turtle. But then the Wikipedia for it says Indian philosophy like in Asia. Plus Stephen Hawking learned it from Bertrand Russel who had an old lady say it to him. Maybe that old lady was Ursula K. Leguin? Plus John R. Ross and William James and a preacher man in 1854.

    Maybe there are more turtles, or maybe one turtle at the bottom of it all who is swimming. Maybe that one is Yertle after the Big Collapse, which was like the Big Bang but down.

  7. Please The Turtle is of Terry Prattchet s books about that flat planet with witches and Unseen University, .

  8. How wonderful! Maybe I should put some attention to my own puppy-imaged Coton Tails blog lol! Perhaps another sabbatical task ๐Ÿ™‚ Love Felix, and even more a history of life through dogs. I too can trace a furry past way back – Chico, Tippy, Ebony, Pierre, Pebbles, Scamper, Misti, Bianca, Echo and now Trixie and Ginny! Puppy love <3

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