I only spent 15 minutes at FeedDigest “Making Your Feeds Fabulous” but its got a whole lot of “oompf” potential if you are trying to do more with using multiple feed sources. More or less, you create a “digest” that you can then mix in a few RSS feeds, and Feed Digest provides a whole raft of ways you can re-use the mixed up content.
Somebody up north may want to crank up their aggressiveness 😉 Inside joke.
Not feeling very creative, I whopped up a CogDogBlogest a mix of my WordPress blog feed, my del.icio.us feed, and my flickr feed. Ho hum. I get a RSS URL:
But there are ways to customize the output with some pre-made and editable templates… and you can then resyndicate to your own sites using JavaScript, PHP, and some other tools.
No just for fun here is the JavaScript presentation of my feed mess:
There is much more one can do, but its good to see what I may sadly and unoriginally dub Syndication 2.0… in Syndication 1.0, way back in 2002-2004, you merely passively accepted RSS feeds. Here in the era of Synd2.0, you are now interacting, and producing new content… hee hee, stealing from WikiPedia entry for Web 2.0, maybe it is
Proponents of the Synd 2.0 approach believe that RSS usage is increasingly oriented toward interaction and rudimentary social networks, which can serve content that exploits network effects with or without creating a visual, interactive feed view. In one view, Synd 2.0 feeds act more as points of presence, or user-dependent web portals, than as traditional static feeds.
Sarcasm aside, the new mixes are exciting.
Tip of the blog hat to Research Buzz….
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