190 Posts Tagged "rss"


You Can Feed Anything You Want at WordPress’s Restaurant

Bear with me on Chapter 156 of my WordPress love. And for RSS. WordPress offers so many ways to syndicate content. Feed by blog. Category. Author. Single Post. Comments. Custom Post Types. Multiple categories. On and On. And a new one I did not know exist until today. For the Elements of Networked Narratives […]


Google Personality Disorder

I might be the last one left still using Google Reader. Why not? Although banished from the menus, it will work through July, 2013. I’m in no hurry to join the Mad Rush To Find The Perfect Reader Replacement That Does Not Exist. But I was surprised when tonight reader announced that a newer version […]

Blog Pile

Connecting Calendars in the Cloud

cc licensed flickr photo shared by ejhogbin Calendar data has always stumped me- on one hand it seems rather structured — something (data) happens on a date (data) maybe at a place (data) but it is something people much more savvy than I struggle with as it gets more complex… but I am not writing […]