Blog Pile

Hoosgot… Lazyweb 2.0? Cool Concept!

Wish I had the productivity of Dave Sifry; in his announcement, in 48 hours he rolled out a nifty new twitter/blog crawl mashup called Hoosgot (aka “Who’s Got?”):

a simple way to ask who’s got what you’re looking for. Just put “hoosgot” in a blog post or a Twitter tweet and it’ll show up here in Hoosgot. It’s meant to give you a place to send the requests for all of those things that you’ve wanted, but just can’t find – chances are, what you want already exists and someone else out there in the ether knows about it.

If someone’s got what you’re looking for, or a clue in that direction, they post a comment. RSS feeds flow from the comments…

We humbly trace our roots to the wonderful lazyweb which, unfortunately shut down in 2006. It was a glorious experiment in what the web could produce – co-creation on a global scale.

The lazyweb was an innovative approach for tapping into the collective intelligence and sharing nature of the web- tossing out your need for something and someone who has an answer or idea responds. It was beautifully simple, and worked.

To give it a try, I tossed out a general request on twitter- note you dont have to target anyone, just use the phrase “Hoosgot…”, so posted a request for a new PHP based RSS parser, something I ought to roll into feed2js:

 Hoosgot a PHP RSS parser that can handle Blogger feeds? MagpieRSS is rusty

And actually, in about 5 minutes or less, it appeared on the Hoosgot site:


Of course twitter does this so effectively on its own (Hilary and Cheryl corresponded in prompt twitter fashion, like 13 minutes) but Hoosgot sweeps wider by scanning blogs, twitter users you dont know; it provides its data on open RSS format for your tracking pleasure. In fact, the site is a queit mashup poster child- WordPress powered and fueled by Tweetscan and Technorati along with twitters own open APIs.

And since I mention here in a blogpost, it will likely show up again, though this is not a Hoosgot request. Okay, maybe I’ll toss in, “Hoosgot an icy cold locally brewed lager?” 😉

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as


  1. Awesome post! Thanks for the kind words about Hoosgot. Don’t forget to subscribe to the feeds so you can help out when you see something you know the answer to, and can pay it forward to someone else…


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