Blog Pile

Rock the Academy The Video

Inspired by the brilliant twitter love video by Martin I have been thinking of trying my hand at the craft, so here is a promo video for the upcoming NMC Online Symposium on Rock the Academy: Radical Teaching, Unbounded Learning.

So I stretch the stereo type of “traditional” academy, but it’s all in fun. And it is all open content. Speaking of fun, that was looking for historic videos and footage at the Internet Archive and the Library of Congress American Memory Collection as well as the usual compfight searches of flickr creative commons, and just biuncing around my feeds and friends for screen captures. Plus I did some rapid googling for screens related to the presentations on our program.

There may be a slight weighting of edupunk visuals just cause it is easy to find, fun, and it is Jim. And I did not plan this, YouTube chose the screen for the preview, again landing on the Reverend and definitely related his Tom, and Brian’s session on The Revolution Will Be Syndicated.

Actually, I had almost the most fun finding music, which took literally about 15 minutes to find the two tracks- going to the 78 RPMs & Cylinder Recordings collection on Internet Archive, and hitting the first page on the Orchestra Tag for Carmen March by Edison Symphony Orchestra, 1902. The “rockin” tune again was found almost right away on ccMixter, under the “rock” tag, a mix appropriately titled Dropping Out of High School Remix by Soundphile.

I was going to have the transition be a mashup of appropriate lines form some favorite songs (“For Those about to Rock” and “Rock the Casbah”), evein mixing in Audacity a short stuttering riff of the key lines.. but I dropped it since it is really not open content, and the song I had just fit perfect with a cut transition.

All of the editing was done in iMovie (the previous version which does not suck as much), no cheesy Ken Burns or transitions. All rapid cuts.

Be there November 4-6 to rock out!

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as


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