They’re coming to get you, educator….

But hey, the zombie MOOCs might just be part of every day future society

Sing along with them:

Mooc, Mooc, Mooc, Mooc, Mooc, Mooc, Mooc, Mooc, Mooc.
There’s nothing you can teach that can’t be scaled.
Nothing you can grade that can’t be AI’d.
Nothing you can tweet but you can learn how to play the game
It’s easy.

There’s nothing you can say that can’t be video’ed.
No one you can show that can’t be animated.
Nothing you can do but you can copy how to be you
in time – It’s easy.

All you need is Mooc, all you need is Mooc,
All you need is Mooc, Mooc, Mooc is all you need.
Mooc, Mooc, Mooc, Mooc, Mooc, Mooc, Mooc, Mooc, Mooc.
All you need is Mooc, all you need is Mooc,
All you need is Mooc, Mooc, Mooc is all you need.

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as


  1. What the hystericals are calling MOOCs don’t feel MOOC-like to me, more like enhanced OERs. Putting content in front of people is not teaching, it’s broadcast. And robo-grading does not equal feedback.

    My experience of MOOCs is a many-to-many relationship of learners interacting with content and interacting with each other. Broadcast is one-to-many. While some of these neo-MOOCs have discussion boards tacked on, discussion does not appear to be the focus.

    What bothers me about MOOC-hype, and much of ed-reform talk in general, is that it runs counter to my view of teaching and learning. Education is hard work on the part of the learner under the careful guidance of the teacher – effort, interaction and relationship-building. Yet all the talk is about packaging, product and testing. Am I missing or misunderstanding something?

    Sorry for the rant. I had to put it somewhere.

  2. > Education is hard work on the part of the learner under the careful guidance of the teacher

    The last time someone gave me careful guidance the Rolling Stones were still young.

    But I don’t think my education has ceased even though Mick Jagger is well into his dotage.

  3. I know that “touch the dial” feeling too but am committed to following higher ed feeds for another blog. Jeremiad overload.

    This, well it made my day, it did. When I saw the graphic on the OLDaily in mbx, I knew it for the mark of a ds106 master maker before even looking at the credits.

    What about a mashup zombie graphic for something Star Wars?

  4. Pingback: MOOC Hysteria

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