26 Posts Tagged "moocmocking"

Blog Pile

Pirates of the Moocibbean

You’re an explorer out there on the intrepid waters of educational technology, sailing the hand made frigate with a few trusty colleagues. You’ve faced tsunamis, avalanches, world flattening forces. And then some IPO funded black ship from Silicon Valley sails in and plunders all your reputational booty. What else can an explorer do but pick […]

Blog Pile

Some Course Recommendations for You…

Since Coursera so kindly seems to share courses it thinks I might find useful, as a CogDogBlog Snarkity Service, I have sent them an email with a few course recommendations. They seem to know very little about other open courses, and what came before (and after) them. Also in flickr… This was constructed completely in […]

Blog Pile

In 1983 AT&T Foresaw The MOOCtronic

Blame Mike… https://twitter.com/holden/status/568875343165071360 How can I avoid such a calling? AT&T’s 1983 rollout of the Viewtron System and Sceptre Videotex Terminal hits it all- information overload, online shopping, banking, and school, all with majorly poofy hair, and maybe some of the best eyebrow raises in corporate video history and some background upbeat midi music that […]

Blog Pile

The MOOCing Machine (and making thereof)

It starts, as often it does, with a tweet… https://twitter.com/audreywatters/status/563176357576712192 Audrey’s series on The History of the Future of Education is more than book worthy. In her latest, The Automatic Machine, Audrey takes us more into this past future history. I’ve read previous bits by her about Sidney Presser and claims for inventions of machines […]

Blog Pile

Oh, That Extrapolated Future

Skip to the next post or elsewhere on the web if some juvenile mashup humor is not your cup of joe. These things get said on the web, and it’s almost a reflex I cannot control. Must. Photoshop. This. https://twitter.com/audreywatters/status/544575853179314176 Even before I clicked the link to the Big Think short video of Negroponte explaining […]