30 Posts from September 2012

Blog Pile

ds106 Radio Bumper 4 pack

For the second audio assignment this week for our UMW students in ds106, they are asked to get their toes wet in some audio editing by the assignment for creating a bumper for ds106 radio. Just in case you do not know, ds106 is the only online course, massive or not, that has its own […]

ds106 Class Notes and Stuff

For Professor Bagman

A little over a year ago, someone new entered as an open participant in ds106: I’m working this summer as a grant researcher, and part of the project I’m working with has to do with innovations in education. Partway through my project, I stumbled across a blog called The Tech Savvy Educator, and I continued […]

Blog Pile

The New T-Shirts Are Here! The New T-Shirts Are Here!

People do get excited when things are delivered… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqqjVyOYmow @timmmmyboy Hard rain falling here. Got my #ds106 shirt yesterday. THANK YOU @jimgroom What about the socks? 🙂 — Ben (@BenjaminHarwood) September 18, 2012 @jimgroom Received my #ds106 t-shirt yesterday. Yay! Thank you! 🙂 — linda3dots (@linda3dots) September 12, 2012 #ds106 tshirt! Yay! — David Kernohan […]

Blog Pile

You Never Forget Your First PirateBox

Yesterday I successfully built my first solo PirateBox, the anonymous, free local sharing platform created by David Darts

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

My first one, the StoryBox I traveled with last year, was built for my by Zack Dowell. Last Spring, Tim Owens and I each did one at DTLT; I had a wee bit of router help from Tim.

Now I am a big boy. I did my own. The platform has evolved a lot- the original one had a dockstar router and an ASUS wireless transmitted:

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

The new install uses a smaller, cheaper all in one router, that is TINY, the TP-LINK, and the parts for this come in at under $35 (unless you add a battery pack).

I am building this as part of an activity idea brainstormed with Scott Leslie to put in place next month at the Open Education 2012 conference in Vancouver most likely part of the Remixathon, but we have some other ideas going. For Jason Toal’s sake, I am hoping we can do something as well to collect audio for his DJ action.

But that comes after the putting together…

Blog Pile

Balloon Boys

While waiting for Michael Branson Smith’s video stream to start, I played with that groovy photo on his splash screen: Why can’t Matt hang on to his balloon? And what is MBS glancing at? A story ro be told… Done by some layering, clone brushing, and pixel painting eyeballs in Photoshop