creative commons licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by didbygraham
Gearing up for a wave of new challenges starting in October, I am prepping to dial back my focus on ds106 and the web site. I am not disappearing, but it’s time to spread some energy elsewhere. Jim is teaching a new flavor of ds106 in the Fall and will be likely taking over the keys to the site.
The Daily Create is a special obsession on it’s own. Tim Owens was the real engine in getting the site going in January 2012, and I took over when I arrived at UMW a few weeks later. At some point, because we were talking about doing a print calendar (oops, did I mention that? I never said anything about S-O-C-K-S) I ended up pre-populating Daily Creates from about June 2012 through the end of that year.
I so enjoy coming up with new ones, and have really only done repeats maybe 10 times. I’ve written up a bit of the technical mods I made to make the management and creating of Daily Creates streamlined but that is the usual Alan code dump bark post.
Mariana Funes expressed interest in helping keep the flow going. To better explain the “bits and bobs”, I did a live Hangout/Screencast with Mariana today. If you have some weird curiosity what is behind the curtain, here it is
I still have some grandiose plans to recast the Daily Create as a generalizable WordPress theme like I did for the Assignment Bank. The grand plan is that responses would not be via media sites like flickr, Soundcloud, YouTube; they would be submitted via a tweeted link.
It just might happen.
Love the daily create. keep rocking the Interwebz with those assignments.
I stand agog!