Photography, Syndicated, TRU Time

A Photo A Day Keeps the Dullness Away

We are rolling out today the You Show’s The Daily – a site that will generate a small creative challenge every day at 8:00am PT. A new one will be tweeted out by @youshow15 and appear on the front of The Daily site as well.

This is based on the success we’ve had with the DS106 Daily Create, now entering it’s fourth year. This version for The You Show will be aimed at tasks that can help you practice media creation and idea development.

Enough explanation. This is the one for today:

Did you notice how neat I get my tweets embedded in my post? It has links that work. This is another bit of WordPress magic of automatic embedding. Every tweet has its own URL (usually linked where it has a time/date stamp), so if you paste that URL on a blank like:

I get the embedded tweet between the “blah blahs”.

This one is pretty easy for me- the most rewarding thing I do every day is to take photographs. I have done this almost every day since 2008, and I pick one to post to my flickr account to represent my most meaningful photo of the day.

I blogged in my regular place a summary for 2014. I enjoy the post-dinner ritual of reviewing my photos, discarding about 2/3, post-editing the others, often finding things in the images I might have missed when I took the photo. Sometimes the selected photo is the “best” to me, but other times it is one that may have more meaning, or a connection to what I did that day.

I have a pretty extensive record to look back on and track my growth in the art of photography. The daily ritual forces me to focus every day, and often to stretch and try something I have not done before.

The way I try to use the challenges like we are pubslishing for The Daily is to review it first thing in the morning. Sometimes I know right away how I want to respond, and I try to get it done in less than 20 minutes.

Other times I let it simmer in the back of mind all day, so that I can have my radar up for ideas or subjects I can use.

For today’s I decided to try taking a photo of my camera with a second camera, and got a pretty neat image looking into the front of the lens of my camera where I could actually see, looking backwards through the viewfinder, some of the campus lights outside the window.

To respond, I sent a tweet to @YouShow15 and included the hashtag #ysdaily1 and a link to my photo. Whatever you share must exist at a web site somewhere, and you can certainly use your own blog as a place to put today’s photo. Or it can be on flickr or Picassa or a public dropbox.

And you can see mine and any others people tweeted on the entry for The Daily for January 14, 2016.

Sometimes the response might be a thing you write on your blog, other times perhaps a link to a YouTube video.

There is no requirement to do all of these, but we generally suggest trying to complete 3 a week. Look for ones that seem easy to do, but also try some that may have you wondering if you can do it.

There is only try.

If this kind of stuff has value, please support me by tossing a one time PayPal kibble or monthly on Patreon
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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as


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