Big Data. Massive courses. Large scale.

Yawn, I’ll take the other end of the graph. Like from this post, recounting how a DS106 Daily Create honoring an 1990s woman bronco rider named Bonnie McCarroll.

Three months after Ron’s response to that daily create, sculptor Ann Ayers responded sharing info about her bronze works of Bonnie McCarroll.

Even if she’s sifting google for things related to her interests, well that slim a chance of connection is like small pebbles from different continents meeting in a vast sea.

But this week, three years later this series of serendipity threadings, Ann commented on the same post:

Once again I came across your very interesting post. I am honored. My studio is at 1016 Halsell St Bridgeport, TX I am working on my first life-size of a veteran. He is setting on his trunk reading “Letters from home” it touches those who received mail and those who didn’t. Those who wrote letters and those of you who didn’t write enough. And sadly those who hoped it wouldn’t be the last letter he ever read from home. It will house with the veterans in the museum in Bridgeport.

Another tiny one this morning. A trackback notification (does anyone still express trackback love anymore) from the old DS106 Inspire site. — itself a great story because it was an idea of two DS106 UMW students from their class in ?? 2012?

The idea was to share the work of other DS106 participants that inspired you. Instead of hawking your own stuff, retweeting your own mentions, the idea is to honor someone else’s work.

Who is even looking at these old sites? Bots?

It’s not been updated or maintained in a time span greater than the rise and fall of like 1000 tech products. The irony was they had found the mention there of one of my old daily create responses, a video made whole walking a neighbors dog I was caring for, nominated to inSPIRE by a Rita Artinian (I had no idea it was there).

The trackback was from the post What an Adventure! from the blog of a Mrs Vogel who seems to have a big interest in storytelling.

Take a look at that happy puppers, how much enjoyment he gets from going on a simple walk. I loved this video, after combing through a pile of defunk links, because it really tells a story. It starts with excitement of the beginning of the walk, there’s a brief pause for a breath at the stop sign, then we continue on the journey. A warning sign briefly catches our attention, but as a viewer we can see the warning as a weak attempt to see the dog in any other light than happy and good. the video ends as the walk is completed and a happy puppers gets to destroy junk mail, my favorite part. It would be lovely to see more videos like his one but this story is whole on its own. Enjoy!

Meanwhile in Big Land, Google is closing down Google+ because they say nobody uses it (while more likely it was the huge security breach).

Yet Another Classic xkcd comic

One of the pioneers in blogging, Blogs at Harvard, is flushing the blogs. And big time open advocate Mozilla, after deep sixing Popcorn Movie Maker a few years ago, is tossing Thimble into the grave.

A lot of the small stuff seems to stay around. There’s a lesson there.

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as


  1. Love this Alan! I am obsessed with all things small these days and it is always comforting when you happen across evidence others are thinking in similar ways…

  2. Alan,
    I’ve had to come to terms with the ephemeral nature of the internet. My webrot may still be there, but it is slowly biodegrading, going the way of all flesh. I’d love to think my photographs and videos woud be of value over time, but the longer I live, the more aware I am there truly is only the present moment to celebrate being alive. The blog post, the photograph, the video intensify the moment for us in a pleasurable way and then are gone. Someone like Ann might stumble across some thread in the vast chaos of the interwebz, and that is a flag to wave in the momentary breeze. Yay! Hi, Ann!

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