Design Talk on High Noon Radio
Another week, another fabulous time spent sitting around the DS106 Radio campfire today for the High Noon Radio show.
This is the “Fistful of Design” week for Paul Bond’s UMW Students, so Paul …
Another week, another fabulous time spent sitting around the DS106 Radio campfire today for the High Noon Radio show.
This is the “Fistful of Design” week for Paul Bond’s UMW Students, so Paul …
We got the beans on and some cowperson coffee warmin’ the kettle. At high noon today MT (MY Time, no silly Mountain Time) we have our next installment of Western106 High Noon Radio. Don’t know …
Ain’t the the first time I lost my head, likely not the last. DS106 is an infectious lovely parasite that for a few of us… well at least me, is something I cannot …
We’re out of the shoot, and I’m a seeing good action in the blog riding corral and lots of stuff flyin over in the twitter pen. Accordin’ to Stacy Stats, we got 54 blogs …
Today, at high noon my time, was the first High Noon Radio Show on DS106 radio.
With western106 blastin’ out of the gate like a wild bucking bronco we’re gonna spring something else on ya that starts this week.
Sure radio did not exist until the very late or even past …
Tomorrow (or maybe today in some parts of the world, ok January 11), is the first day of our rodeo for Western 106. What are you in for? Well let me tell ya…
Me: Holy frijole! (slaps head)
I’ve been yawing and yammering out in Twitter Land with the #western106 hashtag and plum forgot to set up a corral collectin’ pen with the Twitter TAGS Tool by
There shure is plenty of whooping it up out there in the riding pen, with all these folks coming in with all shiny intentions of doing Western106 with this outfit.
Lots of that action is …
This web site is starting to shape up. Today we got in place all the pages, many of them placeholders, for Western 106.