132 Posts Tagged "ed tech"

General educational technology things no longer worthy of their own cateory


A Book About Wikis Published As A Wiki

It was pretty much another curious link click of serendipity last May that led me to Stewart Mader’s Wiki/Blog Using Wiki in Education. I gotta like a domain he chose that is “wiki” spelled backwards http://www.ikiw.org/. Today Stewart is unveiling his new book/web site project Using Wiki in Education, headlined there as “A Wiki-Based Book”. […]


Second Life Memory Game

flickr foto I know The Little Rose is Thereavailable on flickr Playing the Second Life memory game at the NMC 2006 Summer Conference Duriung the late afternoon Corporate Partner’s Showcase at the 2006 Summer Conference, for the NMC booth, we set up a station connected to Second Life (with thanks to Case for the big […]


Dr Glu is Udell-zed in a Big Way

Oh man, taking about 100 foot high flames of jealousy! Gardner Campbell, a.k.a. Campnell D. Gardner a.k.a Dr Glu is recognized in a major way by one of our shred über gurus, Jon Udell. In Easing app deployment with an open source sandbox, Udell reflects on his visit for Gardner and Gang’s Faculty Academy at […]


eLiterate on ePort(able)Folios

Michael Feldstein has written in a few concise paragraphs, one of the best frameworks for looking at electronic portfolios, via a “box of stuff” in the basement metaphor: Anyway, I’ve said on a number of occasions that ePortfolios are a lot like artificial intelligence in that they will be only a year away for the […]


Odeo Me About Podcasts

I am seeking some more voices to use as demos for my podcast presentation next week (it will be shared, but of course first it must be created). The focus is “Podcasting on the Cheap” how to do this with free/cheap readily available tools. If anyone has time, like less than 3 minutes, can you […]


ePorts Raging

For well over a year, we have had a fantastic electronic portfolio software sitting idly for faculty, staff, and students here at Maricopa to put to use. This is the same MyEport developed at Chandler-Gilbert Community College by the brilliant Audree Thurman. It has uncommons features of blogs inside an eport, RSS all over the […]

Blog Pile

Hooked on Glu

Taking the cue from Stephen Downes who took it from Jay Cross, I quickly checked out SuperGlu a new Web.0 tool that aggregates anything that you may have stored elswhere that provides an RSS feed… SuprGlu is about bringing the pieces of your web content together into one central place for you, your friends, and […]