This may set a record for the most un-managable blog title … this week.

For some reason (help me Jim!) I cannot find the link for Assignment 4 in ds106 – it was more or less two do two weeks of posting photos in response to the prompts of the Daily Shoot. Heck, I’ve been doing it for over a year, if I were a slacker I would apply for former credit!

When it started a week ago Sunday, I hatched an idea to ratchet up my own challenge. I’d been thinking about what could be done ti link/connect the daily shots together, maybe a theme. Then I thought about writing a story that the photos would be a part of.

Then I had the crazier idea…

Inspired by the crazy innovation of Christopher Nolan’s Memento, I would aim to tell ny story backwards. Each day I would seek a photo that would match the theme of the Daily Shoot and at the same time find a way to make it part of an earlier sequence in the story. But wait, there is more– the careful planning Alan would have then sat down and wrote out the whole story, but that’s no fun– so I more or less made it up every day (more below).

But first the story. Yikes! I dont have a title- but what I did each day was to post the photo and write out the story text as a caption. I have not revised one bit after it was posted. In addition to the nromal dailyshoot tagging, the ds106 tagging, and also added the photo to a flickr set, ds for ds106. Initially, sets just append the newer photos to the end, so when I was done (today) I just re-versed the order of the set- so that the newest photo is first, and the story I wrote in reverse is in order!

Are you with me? Anyone? Anyone? The story unfolds at

One more time. The end of the story is the first photo I posted for ds106/dailyshoot and the beginning of the story is the one I just posted today.

The one edit I made was to add a “next” link to the bottom of the story so it can be read in its proper (reverse?) order, if you starte from the end/beginning

Are you with me? Anyone? Anyone?

Now to be honest, while I did not sketch out my story, I did end up projecting a little how I wanted it to progress/regress, but it was not fully formed. Much of the plot, if there is one, really emerged as I wrote it.

All I started/ended with was a character, “Conrad”, who awakes from a stupor to find a goodbye note- he sets out to do something but we do not know exactly what it will be.

There are absolutely major plot holes- not surprising! If I were to recap…..



The story starts with a phone ringing for this guy Conrad, living his dream life on a boat in Miami- he is some sort of con artist who has made his Big Score, enough to give up The Game. Until the phone rings, a call From his brother, Mikey, who was conned himself in a small town Arizona. Mikey, a truck driver, got caught up in the Incriminating Photos with a Woman in a Hotel trap. Conrad arranges to send Mikey his payoff money, and then sets out to head to Arizona to get even.

Conrad ends up in the (fictional) town of “Burns”, and works his magic to fit into the local scene and make an acquaintatce of the femme fatal, Lori, who he does his best story spinning over breakfast.

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

Lori might be seen as a small time con artist, but she is savvy, and she has a secret too. Her own mother was conned, and had her life ruined by this character, and she has been plotting a long time for her revenge,m including finding and scamming his brother. She has a plan to get even too, that involved rigging a window with some explosives and pyrotechnics to make Conrad look like an accident victim.

They then play each others game, working more scams together, ending up in bed, etc. Lori is poised and ready to set her trap, after they pull off a big heist. She has a plan to do a bag swap for Conrad’s bag of cash. He might have a plan to swap it back (the double switcheroo) or not- he does not even care about the money.

What he wants is for her to go to all kinds of extremes to trap him, working herself into a frenzy that he would find out– and he walks away. He out cons and then uncons the small town con artist.

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

What should he do?

Well maybe that is the story. This was both fun and challenging, and mostly I missed doing what I wanted to do for dailyshoot in trying to make it fit my story; hence why I wrapped a few days short.

But maybe there is an assignment idea in the telling a story backwards approach, which is really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really tough.

I am done.

Time for a drink.

Without the mickey in it.

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

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Profile Picture for CogDog The Blog
An early 90s builder of web stuff and blogging Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling (#ds106 #4life), photography, bending WordPress, and serendipity in the infinite internet river. He thinks it's weird to write about himself in the third person. And he is 100% into the Fediverse (or tells himself so) Tooting as


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